The A B C's
Raw Food Transition
Donna Perrone
'The Facts About Living Foods,
How To Transition,
& Stay Inspired'
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
7 pm
Gravity East Village
515 East 5 Street
Between Avenue A & Avenue B
Keypad: 104 'Bell' Symbol Button
Please make a reservation- Seating is Limited-
By E-Mail perroned1@verizon.net or call 212 254 9453
Please include your full name and phone #. Cost- $25.00 Paid in Cash
Handout information is provided.
Here's your opportunity to learn some basic principles of health and to enhance your quality of life.
This workshop will help you to understand:
-the Principles of Health
-the Benefits of Eating Raw Food
-Meal Plan Options & Recipe Ideas
-the Common Sense of Food Combining
-the Importance of Proper Detoxification
-What Happens when the Diet is not Working
and the Gentle Transition needed to incorporate these key elements into a Healthy Lifestyle!
Donna shares her years of experience in this exciting, informative workshop. She is a certified colon hydro-therapist, offers nutritional counseling/coaching sessions, and has taught health workshops for Accent on Wellness for over 16 years.
Whether you are new, in transition or well established in these valuable concepts, this workshop will inspire and motivate you to take action to balance your life with good health.
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