Food For Life, Fermentation Fundamentals
with Jillian Love
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
7 pm - 9 pm
Bonobo's Restaurant
18 East 23 Streeet
@ Madison Avenue
Fee: $20 paid in advance with Paypal http://www.donnaperrone.com/products.asp
or $25 cash at the door
Please arrive early to enjoy the delicious raw food cuisine that you will purchase.
Learn how to make your own amazing probiotic-rich foods and get
helpful information, tips and tricks about fermentation. Take this
opportunity to delve deeper into the culture and flavors of fermented
Jillian combines time-honored small-batch artisan methods with modern
technology to teach you how to easily transform a wide-variety of your
favorite fruits, vegetables, grains and water - into consistently
tasty, nutritious "lacto-fermented", nutrient dense food.
Learn what fermentation is and how fermenting works
The benefits of fermented foods - for your health, your family and the world
Examples of fermented foods in traditional cultures
The amazing number of foods that can be fermented for better nutrition
and digestion
How easily you can make fermented foods at home
And more!
In this class you will receive samples and a handout with detailed
instructions and recipes.
All recipes in this workshop are nondairy and gluten free.
Jillian Love is an accomplished workshops leader, inspiring presenter
and has extensive background and training in assisting people in
personal transformation and change.
Jillian began living a Raw Food Lifestyle in 1997 after a 2 week
paradigm-shifting living food detox transformed her body and mind and
expanded her consciousness around food as an essential element for
optimal living. Organic raw vegan foods, healthy conscious lifestyles
and sustainable green living are integral to her life. She spearheads
the Revolutionary Raw Conscious Cuisine movement spreading the word
about the role of nutrition in optimal personal health and performance
as well as global transformation and sustainability.
Jillian completed her certification as Associate Raw Food Chef from
Living Light Culinary Arts Institute in October 2003. She has her
Bachelors Degree in Communications and a Masters Degree in Counseling.
She is a Certified Life Coach through The Coaches Training Institute
and a Certified Master NLP Practitioner through NLP California.
See more at http://www.jillianlove.com
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