Raw Nutrition to Soul Nourishment
Amy Rachelle
Healer, Raw Food Educator and A Great Inspiration!
Friday, December 3, 2010
7 pm - 9 pm
Bonobo's Restaurant
18 East 23 Streeet
@ Madison Avenue
Fee: $15 Cash Paid at the door
Please arrive early to enjoy a delicious raw food meal you will purchase
and to reserve your seat.
Get Started Support. Help w/the Holidays. New Year/New You.
Need help getting started and/or maintaining your raw path? Need support with the holidays? Long time rawfoodist and educator Amy will share her wisdom and professional experience of helping people to transition and succeed with eating and living healthy with rawfoods and cleansing. Amy's special focus is on understanding emotions in relation to food and making healthy choices. She'll also present a short slide show and information on her upcoming 10 Day Bali Chef Training Course and 10 Day Cleanse Program in Bali. Ask questions, get inspired, and be supported. Welcome the new year with a new you!
About Amy Rachelle & Pure Raw
Amy created Pure Raw in 2005. Working abroad extensively and practicing privately on New York City's lower east side for the past 8 1/2 years, from beginner to advanced Amy offers a full rooster of rawfood and emotional based cleansing programs. Amy began her holistic studies as a child with her mother as her first teacher. She received formal education from The University of Georgia and is currently studying to be a naturopathic doctor with Trinity College. Amy has been on the raw food path since '96 and all raw since 2001. Amy is also a musician and currently writing new music for personal and planetary growth.
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