Thursday, December 2, 2010

Accent on Wellness: Healing Eczema with Donna Perrone

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
7 pm

(Please arrive on time.)

Gravity East Village
515 East 5 Street
Between Avenue A & Avenue B
Keypad: 104 'Bell' Symbol Button
Fee: $25.00 Includes Information Package

Reservations Necessary- Limited Seating
Respond by email or call 212 254 9453.
Please include your full name & phone #.

Eczema is a term that refers to an atopic form of dermatitis. It's geneneral symptom is an inflammation of the skin. It produces a scaling, flaking, thickening, weeping, crusting, color changing, and often itching of the skin.

We will discuss in this workshop:

-What causes Eczema?
Allergies, Deficiency of Essential Fatty Acids, Candida, Toxemia, Stress,
Low Stomach Acid

-What will help cure Eczema?

-What will help relieve the symptoms of Eczema?

Although, I am not a doctor I have researched this condition in detail. To cure Eczema means doing your own detective work to discover its cause. I suffered from an extreme case of Eczema due to a deficiency of Essential Fatty Acids. For many years, I have been completely cured of Eczema, and have a tremendous amount of information to share with you on this subject.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Accent on Wellness: Overcoming Candida Overgrowth

'Overcoming Candida Overgrowth'
Practical Strategies That Work with Donna Perrone

Saturday, December 11, 2010
10 am - 12:30 pm

Integral Yoga Institute

227 West 13th Street
Btw. 7th & 8th Avenue
212 929 0585

Fee: $38.00 Make your reservation in advance at:
Then click on Workshops & Events and scroll down to my workshop.
or call 212 929 0585
Price includes Lecture & Workshop Information Package

Check out my website:

My recovery from chronic yeast infections, bloating, gas, chronic constipation, lack of mental clarity, and acne over 20 years ago began with a change to a healthier diet and proper cleansing methods. Creating a healthy balance in the body is key, and to achieve that balance means a change in the terrain of the body. I have done a lot of research on this topic, and my insight has helped many people find their way to better health. This discussion will cover a basic approach, to more advanced suggestions. Bring paper and a pen!

Topics Include:
Food Combining Principles
Foods To Avoid
Food To Eat
Fermented Food
Change your pH
Hydrogen Peroxide
Support your Immune System
Bring more Oxygen into the Bloodstream

All the best,
Donna Perrone

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Accent on Wellness: Raw Nutrition to Soul Nourishment with Amy Rachelle

Raw Nutrition to Soul Nourishment
Amy Rachelle

Healer, Raw Food Educator and A Great Inspiration!

Friday, December 3, 2010
7 pm - 9 pm

Bonobo's Restaurant

18 East 23 Streeet
@ Madison Avenue
Fee: $15 Cash Paid at the door
Please arrive early to enjoy a delicious raw food meal you will purchase
and to reserve your seat.

Get Started Support. Help w/the Holidays. New Year/New You.

Need help getting started and/or maintaining your raw path? Need support with the holidays? Long time rawfoodist and educator Amy will share her wisdom and professional experience of helping people to transition and succeed with eating and living healthy with rawfoods and cleansing. Amy's special focus is on understanding emotions in relation to food and making healthy choices. She'll also present a short slide show and information on her upcoming 10 Day Bali Chef Training Course and 10 Day Cleanse Program in Bali. Ask questions, get inspired, and be supported. Welcome the new year with a new you!

About Amy Rachelle & Pure Raw
Amy created Pure Raw in 2005. Working abroad extensively and practicing privately on New York City's lower east side for the past 8 1/2 years, from beginner to advanced Amy offers a full rooster of rawfood and emotional based cleansing programs. Amy began her holistic studies as a child with her mother as her first teacher. She received formal education from The University of Georgia and is currently studying to be a naturopathic doctor with Trinity College. Amy has been on the raw food path since '96 and all raw since 2001. Amy is also a musician and currently writing new music for personal and planetary growth.


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Accent on Wellness:Discussion Group-Health For the Holidays

Raw Food Discussion Group
With Donna Perrone


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Starting 6:30 pm for 'New to Raw' People
Starting 7:30 pm for 'Veteran Raw Foodies'
Everyone continues together till at least 9:30 pm

Gravity East Village
515 East 5 Street
Btw. Avenue A & Avenue B
Keypad: 104 'Bell' Symbol Button

Reservations are necessary- Space is limited
Reserve your seat by e-mail or call 212 254 9453
Please include your name & phone #
Fee: $15 Cash Paid at the door

Our Meeting Topic Is On:
"Health For The Holidays"

We will discuss:
-Tips to deal with Holiday Stresses
-Coping with Social Events and Family Gatherings
-Dealing with Food Cravings & Temptation
-Stay Inspired to Take the Very Best Care of Yourself!

We will discuss:
Raw Food Emphasized -
Transition, Lifestyle, Emotional Support, Proper Cleansing Measures, Social Issues, Problems and Pitfalls, Helpful Tips and Solutions, etc.

We hope to educate, support and inspire you to live a healthy life and support you where you are. This group will help you find a program that best suits your needs without judgment.

Everyone will have an opportunity to speak if they choose to or just watch and observe.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Accent on Wellness Presents: Paul Nison 11/15

Making The Raw Vegan Diet Work For You!
with Internationally Acclaimed Author and Raw Food Chef

Paul Nison

Monday, November 15, 2010
7 - 9 pm

Bonobo's Restaurant

18 East 23 Street
@ Madison Avenue
Fee: $15 Cash Paid at the Door
Please R.S.V.P by calling 917 407 2270 by 11/12 to reserve your seat
Please arrive early to enjoy a delicious meal that you will
purchase at the restaurant.

After 15 years eating a 100% raw vegan diet I found some interesting information which changed my thoughts about the ideal diet. In this lecture I will explore the information and how it can help you. We will also discuss the best way to apply it to your life so you don't run into the issues many long time raw fooders have.

· How to a eat 100% raw vegan diet!
· Is 100% raw necessary for health?
· The smartest way to go Raw!
· Avoiding pitfalls that doomed others!
· Information about health you never
heard before will be revealed!

For more info about Paul visit

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Accent on Wellness:Intestinal Health- A Window View To A Healthy Life

Intestinal Health:
A Window View To A Healthy Life
with Donna Perrone

Tuesday, November 9th
7 pm

Gravity East Village

515 East 5 Street
btw. Avenue A & Avenue B
Keypad: 104 'Bell' Symbol Button

Reservations are necessary
Your seat is reserved when you receive confirmation
Make your reservation by email or call 212 254 9453
Fee: $25 Cash paid at the door
An Information Packet is included with this lecture.

Our Topic of Discussion will Include:

-The Relationship Between Achieving Ultimate Health through
Proper Digestion & Elimination.

-How Colon Cleansing can be the Missing Link to Healing the Body from Disease.

-Proper Food Combinations and Consumption.

-Helpful Supplements to Support Good Digestion, and Elimination

-Suggestions to Improve Intestinal Health:
Indigestion, Gas/Bloating, Constipation, Acid Relux/GERD,
IBS, Colitis etc.

-Common Food Allergies and Testing

-Could Parasites and/or Candida Overgrowth be a Problem?

-What Results to Expect if Colon Cleansing is Not Part of Your Transition to a Raw Foods Lifestyle or when Undertaking a Fast.

-Get Inspired to Transform your Life with Cleansing and Detoxification!

Donna Perrone shares her years of experience and studies on digestive health. She is not a doctor and cannot diagnose or prescribe any cures. She shares what she has read about and has heard to be helpful in creating good health. Please contact your health practitioner or medical doctor with your concerns or when making any changes.

Donna Perrone began her health group 'Accent on Wellness' in NYC in 1995 which is a healthy lifestyle transition group. She is a volunteer, group facilitator and organizer that hosts guest speakers at Bonobo's Restaurant, teaches healthy lifestyle workshops, leads a support/discussion group and organizes community gatherings.

Donna is a Certified Colon Hydro-Therapist with her own wellness center located in NYC called 'Gravity East Village'. Her office features a staff of Gravity Method Therapists, State of the Art Filtration, Infra-Red Sauna, and other therapies such as Massage and Energy Healing.

Donna has taught workshops and retreats at many venues such as Accent on Wellness, The New Life Expo-NY, High Vibe, Jivamukti Yoga Center, Integral Yoga Center, East West Living, Urban Zen, Sivananda Yoga Ranch, Dharma Yoga Center, The Raw Spirit Festival, and The Art of Living Center.

Accent on Wellness: Presents Sproutman Steve Meyerowitz

Steve Meyerowitz, "Sproutman®"

Lower your Food Bill! Raise Your Nutrition! Indoor Kitchen Gardening

Friday, November 5, 2010
7 pm - 9 pm

Bonobo's Restaurant

18 East 23 Street
@ Madison Avenue
No Reservations Accepted
Please arrive early to reserve your seat
and enjoy a delicious raw food meal!
Fee: $15 Cash

Don't Miss This Special Event!

"Sproutman' Steve Meyerowitz shows you how to achieve food independence. The best-selling author of Wheatgrass Nature's Finest Medicine and Sprouts the Miracle Food demonstrates how simple it is to add living foods to your diet anytime of the year whether you live in Alaska or Atlanta. Find out how to incorporate supercharged micro-greens into your everyday diet and save thousands of dollars per year on your food bill! And you'll get the science and nutrition behind these amazing foods that give them their impressive healing potential for cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and more. Enjoy many of the benefits of having a backyard garden, but instead in the kitchen and soil-free. No green thumb required

BIOGRAPHY- Sproutman Steve Meyerowitz
Steve Meyerowitz was christened "Sproutman" in the 1970s in a feature article in Vegetarian Times because his New York City apartment was always filled with gardens of mini-vegetables. They were part of his lifetime fight against chronic allergies and asthma. After 20 years of disappointment with orthodox medicine, he became symptom-free through his use of diet, juices, and fasting. In 1980, he founded "The Sprout House", a "no-cooking" school in New York City teaching the benefits of a living foods diet.

Steve is a health crusader and author of 10 books including Power Juices Super Drinks, Wheatgrass Nature's Finest Medicine, Juice Fasting and Detoxification, and Food Combining and Digestion. His most recent book is "The Organic Food Guide: How to Shop Smarter and Eat Healthier." He has been featured on PBS, the Home Shopping Network, TV Food Network, and in Better Nutrition, Prevention, Organic Gardening and Flower & Garden Magazines. His sprouting inventions, such as the "Hemp Sprout Bag" are sold nationwide. You can visit him at
413-528-5200. ext 4. Fax: 413-528-5201
PO Box 1100, Great Barrington, MA 01230. USA

Monday, October 11, 2010

New Life Expo -Donna Perrone is a Speaker!

New Life Expo
NYC - Hotel New Yorker
October 15th-17th

Hotel New Yorker

481 8th Avenue at 34th Street
New York, NY 10001
Tel:(516) 897-0900 for Free Brochure
Pre-Registration Discounts


Find Brochure on website!

Enjoy free lectures all day long included in your ticket price.

Donna Perrone will speak on...

Friday, October 15th at 5 pm
Power of Food Cravings
(shorter version of my usual workshop)
Murray Hill rm. 4th floor

Other Raw Food Speakers include:
Brenda Cobb- Founder of Living Foods Institute,
Debra Secunda-,
Viktoras Kulvinskas- Survival in the 21st Century,
and more!

See ya there!

Donna Perrone

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Accent on Wellness:Becoming Raw:The Essential Guide to Raw Vegan Diets

Becoming Raw:
The Essential Guide to Raw Vegan Diets
with Rynn Berry

Friday, October 29, 2010
7 pm - 9 pm

Bonobo's Resturant

18 East 23 Street
@ Madison Avenue
No Reservations Accepted
Please arrive early to reserve your seat and enjoy a delicious raw food meal!
Fee: $15 Cash Paid at the door

With Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina, I'm co-author of a new book titled Becoming Raw: The Essential Guide to Raw Vegan Diets. My contribution to the book was to write a concise history of the rawfood movement in America from the early 19th century to the present. [It's the first narrative history of the rawfood movement in the US. ] To your meet-up group, I would be speaking about the leaders of the raw foods movement. The title of my talk is Return to the Edenic Diet: A History of the Raw Food Movement in America with emphasis on New York leaders. This movement,as I said, dates back to the early 19th century and includes such figures as: Sylvester Graham, Herbert Shellton, Arnold Ehret (author of The Mucusless Diet Healing System); Vera Richter (founder of the first raw food restaurant in the U.S. and author of the first raw food un-cookbook); Gaylord Hauser (Hollywood Nutritionist); Norman Walker (inventor of the Norwalk Juicer); Paul and Patricia Bragg (inventors of Braggs Liquid Aminos); "Gypsy Boots" (founder of the Hollywood Health Hut); George and Doris Fathman (authors of Live Foods, the first vegan gourmet uncookbook); David Wolfe (author of Nature's First Law, etc.) Gabriel Cousens (author of Conscious Eating, and David Klein (publisher of Vibrance Magazine)., et al. . I will have copies of Becoming Raw and other of my books to sell to the attendees. Best regards,

Accent on Wellness Presents: Brenda Cobb- The Living Foods Institute

Brenda Cobb
The Living Foods Institute

'Reverse Aging & Heal
with Raw & Living Foods'

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
7 pm - 9 pm

Bonobo's Resturant

18 East 23 Street
@ Madison Avenue
No Reservations Accepted
Please arrive early to reserve your seat and enjoy a delicious raw food meal!
Fee: $15 Cash

(Please read all contracts from the Living Foods Institute carefully before signing.
All contracts are final.)

Hear Author Brenda Cobb's Inspiring Personal Story of Healing Cancer without surgery, chemotherapy or radiation and the relationship of high vibration energy and healing.

Learn how raw & living foods raise your vibration & health

Learn how to detoxify chemicals, fungus, yeast & parasites

Learn how to reverse aging and increase energy & stamina

Learn how to heal even the most serious diseases naturally by raising your vibrational energy with organic raw and living foods

Much Love and Many Blessings,
Brenda Cobb
Living Foods Institute
Toll Free 800-844-9876

Brenda Cobb

Brenda Cobb founded the Living Foods Institute in Atlanta, Georgia in September 1999 just seven months after she was diagnosed with breast and cervical cancer. She refused the surgery and chemotherapy that her doctor recommended because she had seen her own family members and friends diagnosed with the same type of cancers try the traditional treatments and fail. Brenda set out on a journey to explore a natural way of healing and discovered Raw and Living Foods and Detoxification. Brenda began her healing journey in February 1999 and by September 1999 she was disease free. One of her medical doctors wrote the foreword to her first book praising her for the healing protocol that she developed to help herself and others. Many doctors send their patients to Brenda's Institute in Atlanta when other treatments have failed.

What began as the biggest challenge in Brenda's life turned into a wonderful gift to humanity. Since opening the Living Foods Institute Brenda has expanded her Healthy Lifestyle Course to help people heal on every level. She and her staff have trained thousands of people from all over the world with every type of disease from Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Candida, Arthritis, Allergies, Asthma, AIDS and Lupus to Multiple Sclerosis, Bell's Palsy, Depression, Migraine Headaches, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and many more chronic and acute illnesses . She has spoken to many thousands of people around the world about the benefits of the good nutrition and detoxification. In testimony after testimony people have found relief from symptoms and complete healing from serious diseases by following Brenda's Healthy Protocol.

To date she has written 9 books "The Living Foods Lifestyle®", "Colon Cleansing For Optimum Health" and "101 Raw and Living Food Recipes", "Get Started Now For Good Health" "The Living Foods Lifestyle® Training Manual", "Healing Fibroids, Endometriosis, Tumors and Cysts", "A Plan For Health", "Good Health Now" "Organic Raw and Living Food Recipes" and she has a CD on the benefits of Raw and Living Foods and a Healthy Lifestyle. She has hosted her own radio show, Living Well on WGUN 1010AM in Atlanta, Georgia where she has helped listeners learn about the benefits of good Lifestyle Habits. Along with the incredible Raw and Living Food recipes that Brenda is known for, the Emotional Healing Workshops that are included as a part of her training programs are so powerful that people say, "This course surpassed my wildest expectations for healing body, mind, spirit, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. It's the best thing I've ever done for myself."

She is featured on the DVD "Healing Cancer From Inside Out" and the "Rave Diet" and is co-author of the newest book "The Raw Truth." She has appeared live on CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX networks as well as many cable stations giving advice on healthy eating and living. She has been a speaker at national and international conferences, festivals and expos and sought after for many radio and television appearances. As the Key Note Speaker at numerous health and body, mind, spirit expos and the International European Vegetarian Congress she has inspired hundreds of thousands of people to take back their power and claim the perfect health they were created to have.

She was awarded an Honorary Cultural Doctorate in Therapeutic Philosophy from the World University in September 2003. She was awarded the Phoenix Award by the City of Atlanta and numerous awards from other organizations for her work. Even though Brenda never makes promises about what her program will do for an individual, many say they have been healed through this amazing and inspiring woman's work.

Brenda's mission to help "Heal the World One Person at a Time" is being fulfilled every day as the internationally acclaimed Living Foods Institute is now known around the world. For more information or to book Brenda to come to your area call 800-844-9876 or in Georgia call 404-524-4488 and visit the website at Email Brenda at

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Accent on Wellness:'Achieve Hormone Balance Without Taking Hormones'

'How to Help Your Body
Achieve Hormone Balance
Without Taking Hormones'
with Dr. Viana Muller

Monday, October 4, 2010
7 pm - 9 pm

Bonobo's Restaurant

18 East 23 Street
@ Madison Avenue
No Reservations Accepted
Please arrive early to reserve your seat and enjoy a delicious raw food meal!
Fee: $10 Cash Paid at the door

Many women feel between a "rock and a hard place" when it comes to finding safe and highly effective natural methods of achieving optimum hormone balance. These issues often start early in life in the teen years and doctors typically put teenage girls on birth control pills -even when they are not sexually active-to help with agonizingly painful periods. Other young women have difficulty in establishing a regular monthly menstrual cycle and again are often given birth control pills to create an artifical monthly period.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) which may start in perimenopause-or before-- plagues other women and can make the second half of her menstrual cycle a misery every month. Menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, loss of libido, vaginal dryness, irregular sleep, urinary frequency, and heart palpitations - among others are still treated at some risk for future health issues primarily by hormones, bioidentical or otherwise. Other women who want to go "natural" end up with either progesterone cream or herbal phytoestrogens-which offer a mild natural form of estrogen replacement.

An alarming number of women begin to have hypothyroid problems during perimenopause—or sooner; they begin thyroid replacement hormone but still suffer from lack of energy, weight gain, hair loss and depression.

All of these methods of treatments have tremendous downsides. Dr. Viana Muller, anthropologist and co-founder of Whole World Botanicals, has spent the last 15 years helping women achieve highly effective and natural hormone balance for all of the conditions mentioned above-plus others-using Peruvian food-based botanicals. She will share with us the research of why and how they work and the results of studies conducted in Peruvian Universities on them, as well as speak from her own vast experience of helping women to use these botanicals effectively for their hormone balance issues.


Dr. Viana Muller, Ph.D. is an anthropologist who studies South American herbs and works with native peoples who grow and collect them. She is a co-founder of Whole World Botanicals, a company based on fair trade principles with a strong social mission, which offers organic and sustainably wildcrafted products.

Viana was born in Chile of a Chilean father and American mother but raised in the U.S., has had three careers in her lifetime. The first one was working with inner-city teenagers and young adults in remedial education programs. The second was as a college teacher (anthropology, Latin American Studies and Women's Studies), administrator, and researcher. She had done field work in Mexico, Ghana and Peru. Her latest career, the co-founder of Whole World Botanicals, is the fulfillment of a dream she didn't know she had until she was over 50. It was born in the early 1990's "accidentally" after a serious illness, while she focused on her own healing which plunged her into the new field of scientific herbalism. The idea of forming an herbal company began to jell while she was doing field research in Peru as an Associate with the Institute for Botanical Exploration. But it was her discovery of Maca Root, the virtually unknown botanical outside of a tiny area in the Central Sierra of Peru, which turned a possibility into an imperative. It had an almost miraculous effect not only on her menopausal symptoms but brought her from a devitalized condition of health into a state of resilient energy and buoyant mood. Knowing that women in the U.S. were largely confined to two choices - either Hormone Replacement Therapy which presented certain risks or phtyoestrogenic botanicals which were largely ineffective, Viana decided to make what she called a "menopause revolution." Whole World Botanicals became the first company to educate the U.S. public on the use of maca for women's hormonal balance, and Royal Maca® became the first certified organic maca product anywhere in the world.

Since the founding of Whole World Botanicals and acting as its President, Viana has appeared on many radio and cable TV programs, and has given lectures to professional holistic medical groups and to people interested in alternative medicine throughout the U.S.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Accent on Wellness: The Power of Food Cravings

'The Power of Food Cravings'
Donna Perrone

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
7 pm

Gravity East Village
515 East 5 Street

Between Avenue A & Avenue B
Keypad- 104 'Bell' Button
Fee- $15.00
Seating is limited-
Make your Reservation by Email or Call 212 254 9453
Please include your phone #.

Accent on Wellness Hotline: 212 760 5953

"This irresistible feeling comes over you and holds on tight and won't let go!"
"What is it? "
"It's a Craving!"
The most common reason why people have difficulty with going 'raw' or just
plain sticking with a healthy diet is those nasty food cravings..

In this workshop/discussion group we will discuss:

-the reasons for cooked food dependency
-tips on how to increase the amount of raw food in your diet
-the ingredients needed to cope in those challenging moments
-an understanding of what is needed to succeed

This discussion will include an understanding of the physical, psychological and spiritual aspects to better health.

Much of the background material used for this workshop comes from my own experience, my many years working with people in the health community, my knowledge and experience an a Colon Hydro-therapist and from the book '12 Steps to Raw Foods,' by Victoria Boutenko.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Accent on Wellness:15 Year Anniversary-Picnic in Central Park

Accent on Wellness
15th Year Anniversary Celebration!

Join Us in Central Park for a Raw Food Picnic!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010
6 pm till Sunset

Admission- FREE
No reservations necessary

Central Park
Sheep Meadow

Enter Park at 72 Street
either at 5th Avenue or Central Park West
Find us in the central area of Sheep Meadow

Please arrive anytime. If you are hungry bring your own raw food meal/beverage that you will solely enjoy. No fuss gathering! Potluck style can get a little strange at the park.

Bring a blanket to sit on, a frisbee if you like and hang out with like-minded nice people. If you like we can do a group circle and have a short Q&A discussion. Invite a friend!

There will be a free raffle!
Get your ticket and you might win a treasured raw food book or yummy treats!

If it rains the picnic will be canceled. I will send an email to everyone if that is the result. Hopefully no need.

Accent on Wellness began 15 years ago as the 'Coalition of Health Reeducation' with Matthew Grace and Edward Leib. Accent on Wellness had a tv show on public access tv in the early years. In 1996, I began participating as a volunteer group leader facilitating raw food support group meetings. Later, I began hosting guest educators, organizing raw food potlucks and teaching workshops on raw food transition and detoxification. After the first few years, the group would have ceased existence, and at that time I took on leading the group myself with Tom Coviello. Tom was a great group leader and dear friend of mine for many years. May he rest in peace.

It all started at the Community Center on West 13th Street, then Planet Health in the East Village, and onto Caravan of Dreams Restaurant and finally found a home at Bonobo's Restaurant and at Gravity East Village. Also, our potlucks at Dharma Yoga Center.

We have had many volunteers over the years that have lead the group and helped facilitate events. I lend my deepest appreciation to all those who have given so much to the community over the years. Special thanks to Bobbie Flowers, Gil Jacobs, Cheryl Lynn, David Giardina, and Karen Ranzi. Thank you to the very wonderful David Norman, owner of Bonobo's restaurant and to Angel Moreno of Caravan of Dreams, and to Eva and Dharma of Dharma Yoga Center for providing a place for us to meet for so many years. And more recently, volunteers, Debbie Gordon, Tony Klatt and Tony White.

There have been many terrific educators that have taught classes for very small amounts of money that have given so much wisdom and guidance to the community. Their contribution has had a lasting change and effect on so many people. Thank you all.

Accent on Wellness started for me as a way for me to give back what a mostly raw food/vegan lifestyle has given to me. My life changed for the greater good in so many ways 21 years ago. I have gained greater health, energy, clarity of mind, a cleaner body and youthfulness. My passion to keep this group going over all these years has been to inspire you to live a healthy life and to find what best suits you to achieve that goal. In addition, I care very much that your journey towards this lifestyle is a safe one. That your transition toward raw food can be a healthy journey toward greater wellness when done correctly.

When I began volunteering 15 years ago I had no idea how Accent on Wellness would become a great blessing in my life. When I became a Colon Hydro-therapist 5 years ago I was very blessed that many of you have become my clients! You have supported my success with opening my wellness center, Gravity East Village over 3 years ago. My deepest gratitude is felt!

There is so much to look forward to in the future for Accent on Wellness. I hope to use our treasury funds to setup and maintain our classes online so the community will have the option to watch our events remotely. I plan to create audio downloads of many of the workshops that are offered. All donations are appreciated so I can get the job done.

I appreciate all of you in the Accent on Wellness community as you have always inspired me in so many ways! I have grown from this great experience and have learned so much from all of you throughout the years.

Warm regards,
Donna Perrone
Accent on Wellness

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Accent on Wellness:Discussion Group/What's There to Eat?

Raw Food Discussion Group
With Donna Perrone

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Starting 6:30 pm for 'New to Raw' People
Starting 7:30 pm for 'Veteran Raw Foodies'
Everyone continues together till at least 9:30 pm

Gravity East Village
515 East 5 Street
Btw. Avenue A & Avenue B
Keypad: 104 'Bell' Symbol Button

Reservations are necessary- Space is limited
Reserve your seat by e-mail or call 212 254 9453
Please include your name & phone # or email me at

Fee: $15 Cash

This is your opportunity to share any questions you have and receive feedback and support from the group.

Our Meeting Topic Is On:
"What's There to Eat?"

We will discuss:
-How to stay inspired to eat healthy.
-Great tips to increase the amount raw foods in your diet.
-Meal Plan Options
-Recipe ideas that are quick, easy, and satisfying
-How to cherish the journey
**Handout Information is Provided**

We will discuss:
Raw Food Emphasized -
Transition, Lifestyle, Emotional Support, Proper Cleansing Measures, Social Issues, Problems and Pitfalls, Helpful Tips and Solutions, etc.

We hope to educate, support and inspire you to live a healthy life and support you where you are. This group will help you find a program that best suits your needs without judgment.

Everyone will have an opportunity to speak if they choose to or just watch and observe.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Accent on Wellness-All About Candia with Donna Perrone

'All About Candida'
with Donna Perrone

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
7pm - 9:30 pm

Gravity East Village

515 East 5 Street
btw Ave A & Ave B
Keypad 104 & 'Bell' Symbol Button

Fee: $25.00 Cash Paid at the door
Price includes Lecture & Workshop Package

Please R.S.V.P by e-mail or call me at 212 254 9453
Please include your full name and phone #.

Seating is Limited!

Check out my website:

My recovery from chronic yeast infections, bloating, gas, chronic constipation, lack of mental clarity, and acne over 20 years ago began with a change to a healthier diet and proper cleansing methods. Creating a healthy balance in the body is key, and to achieve that balance means a change in the terrain of the body. I have done a lot of research on this topic, and my insight has helped many people find their way to better health. This discussion will cover a basic approach, to more advanced suggestions. Bring paper and a pen!

Topics Include:
Food Combining Principles
Foods To Avoid
Food To Eat
Fermented Food
Change your pH
Hydrogen Peroxide
Support your Immune System
Bring more Oxygen into the Bloodstream

All the best,
Donna Perrone

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Accent on Wellness:Ani Phyo's Raw Food Essentials, Recipes & Techniques

Ani's Raw Food Essentials,
Recipes & Techniques
for Mastering the Art of Live Food
with Ani Phyo

Tuesday, August 3, 2010
7 pm - 9 pm

Bonobo's Restaurant
18 East 23 Street
@ Madison Avenue
Make a RESERVATION by paying in advance.
Seats are Limited!
Fee: $15.00
Go to my website and find paypal button under 'Products & Services'

Join Ani Phyo on her first ever book tour to NYC. This is her very first stop! She'll demo one of her fast and easy recipes, which you'll get to taste. Ani will have books for sale, and will sign books after her demo and talk.

If you are interested in purchasing her newest book Ani's Raw Food Essentials. Please email her at

BIO ------------

Ani is on a mission to show you how easy it is to enjoy healthy, organic, whole foods that are delicious, simple, and fast to prepare. Using seasonal, local, organic, fresh produce coupled with nuts and seeds, Ani creates tantalizing recipes that taste amazing, are good for you, and healthy for our planet. She teaches us why eating more organic, fresh, whole foods helps us maintain our ideal weight, lowers cholesterol, boosts our immune system, and helps us look and feel our best.

Ani learned these principles as a child. Growing up in upstate New York, her family had their own organic farm. She was raised on fresh, green juices and seasonal produce which cultivated the relationship she maintains with food today. She spent many years in the catering business and stumbled upon raw foods as a gourmet treat. After realizing the impact on her mental clarity and focus, she was hooked. She continued to notice positive changes in her energy level, productivity and sleep, and recognized there was more to raw foods than meets the eye. She's been dedicated to the raw foods lifestyle ever since.

Ani's the author of "Ani's Raw Food Desserts" and "Ani's Raw Food Kitchen," awarded "Best Vegetarian Cookbook USA 2007." Her next book, "Ani's Raw Food Essentials" will be available June 1, 2010. Ani has received four Best of Raw 2008 Awards for Best Chef, Favorite Cookbook, Favorite Educator, and won Sexiest Raw Vegan Woman in both 2008 and 2009.

Ani is the host of "Ani's Raw Food Kitchen Show", the award winning #1 uncooking show on 'YouTube.' Ani has been seen on the Travel Channel's Bizarre Foods, Channel 7 ABC, and has been featured in numerous magazines including Food & Wine, Alternative Medicine, Oxygen, VegNews, Delicious Living, Vegetarian Times, and Get Fresh.

Additionally, Ani has developed living food vegan menus for Carnival Cruise Lines, Adidas headquarters, STOMP, and Whole Foods Markets, amongst others. Adidas fitness center depends on Ani to consult their athletes on how to 'fuel up' with raw nutrition for optimal performance.

Being an athlete herself and excelling in gymnastics and track and field in high school, Ani has a thorough knowledge of nutrition and understands the importance of fueling your body well in order to achieve maximum performance.

Her charity work includes teaching and speaking at events to help raise money and awareness for organizations like In Defense of Animals, Animal Acres, Farm Sanctuary and organizing cooking play shops for children ages 5-16. In addition, Ani volunteers at Project Angel Food, a non-profit organization providing 1,300 free meals per week to HIV and cancer patients, and teaches underprivileged kids how to garden and make food in urban areas at Community Services Unlimited in South Central LA.

Ani lives in Los Angeles with her Rhodesian Ridgeback, Kanga, who she rescued nine years ago. Fifty pounds underweight at the time, Ani healed Kanga back to health with raw foods, applying the same principles that she uses for humans to her dog. She is currently working on her next book along with planning projects for TV, DVD, and Web. To watch Ani's videos, for free recipes, and to keep track of her latest projects, visit her at:

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Accent on Wellness:Keys to Longevity & Vibrant Health-Craig Sommers,ND

'Keys to Longevity
Vibrant Health'
with Craig B. Sommers, ND

Naturopathic Doctor & Nutritionist

Friday, July 30, 2010
7 pm - 9 pm

Bonobo's Resturant
18 East 23 Street
@ Madison Avenue
No Reservations Accepted
Please arrive early to reserve your seat and enjoy a delicious raw food meal!
Fee: $15 Cash Paid at the door

Lecture Topics:

- Nutrition essential to Longevity
- The Science behind Live Food
-Cancer Prevention
-"Safe" Cellular Phone use
-Electromagnetic Radiation
-The Mind/Body connection
-And much More!

Dr. Sommers will also be signing copies of his book,
Raw Foods Bible

About Dr. Craig B. Sommers

Craig Sommers was living the standard American lifestyle, eating the standard American diet (SAD), until the early 1990's when his mother was diagnosed with cancer and then heart disease. While visiting his mother in the hospital, after one in a series of unsuccessful surgeries, a mysterious stranger entered her hospital room. He handed Mrs. Sommers his business card and suggested that she give him a call if she was interested in learning how to heal herself through diet and lifestyle changes. Neither Craig nor his mother ever heard from that man again, but Craig was so inspired by his suggestion that he began to seek out information on Natural Healing. Since that day in the hospital, Dr. Sommers has single mindedly pursued knowledge of holistic healing, nutrition, and lifestyle. He first learned enough to help his mother reverse heart disease and then began to peruse natural health for himself and others. He opened a health food store on Long Island and when that became too stressful, he sold the store and pursued a doctorate in naturopathy. Dr. Sommers now travels the globe giving lectures on how to achieve optimum health through proper nutrition and lifestyle habits. He is also a certified yoga instructor, certified nutritionist and the author of Raw Foods Bible, a comprehensive easy to read guide to the optimum diet and lifestyle. Craig's website is

Tuesday, July 6, 2010




with Victoria Moran

Monday, July 19, 2010
7 pm - 9 pm

Bonobo's Resturant
18 East 23 Street
@ Madison Avenue
No Reservations Accepted
Please arrive early to reserve your seat and enjoy a delicious raw food meal!
Fee: $15 Cash Paid at the door

How would you like to defy the odds by looking and feeling better than ever, and living with a level of vitality most people don't realize is possible? You can, with the revolutionary M-E-N-D program from Oprah-featured author and holistic health counselor Victoria Moran, CHHC, AADA. This is a way to "mend your ways" and undo past discretions as you go forward into your healthiest, most vibrant life via:

· Meditation - Did you know that regular meditators are twelve years younger physiologically than non-meditators?

· Exercise - Movement tells your cells you're engaged in life & worth taking care of

· Nourishment - A high-raw, high-green, high-energy way of eating

· Detox - Easy ways to help your body lessen its toxic load

Whether you're a couch-loving junk-food devotee, or a super-fit vegan who's into raw foods, you'll get tons of useful information and inspiration from this entertaining and content-packed presentation.


Victoria Moran, CHHC, AADA, is a two-time Oprah-featured author, a certified holistic health counselor and life coach, motivational speaker, radio host, and corporate spokesperson. A longtime vegan, Moran has maintained a 60-pound weight loss for twenty-six years; and she has been on the high-raw path since 2005. Her books include the best-selling Creating a Charmed Life (in 29 languages and quoted on boxes of Celestial Seasonings teas), the rejuvenation day book Younger by the Day, and weight loss classics Fit from Within and The Love-Powered Diet: Eating for Freedom, Health, & Joy. Cited by VegNews among the Top 10 Vegetarian Authors, Victoria has written for Yoga Journal, Mothering, Natural Health, Woman's Day, Body & Soul, and Vegetarian Times, and she writes the "Veg and the City" blog for the Huffington Post.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Accent on Wellness

'Ultimate Gallbladder & Liver Flush'
with Donna Perrone

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
7:30-9:30 pm

Gravity East Village
515 East 5th Street #1A
(keypad- 104 & bell symbol button)
Between Avenue A & Avenue B

Cost: $25.00 Includes Handout Information Package
Seating is limited: Please R.S.V.P by e-mail or call 212 254 9453
Please include your Name & phone #.
Check out my website:

Just about everyone has gallstones. They are formed in the liver and are found also in the gallbladder and the connecting ducts. When doing a gallbladder/liver flush you can pass hundreds of green and beige colored gallstones. Gallstones are primarily made of cholesterol as the main ingredient (95%), bile, and calcium salts. They are congealed clumps of bile that are invisible to any x-ray or ultra sound technology. An ultra-sound will detect a fatty liver when the cholesterol based stones are blocking the liver and ducts and will show a completely white picture instead of black. A fatty liver can accumulate 20,000 stones before it succumbs to suffocation and ceases to function.

Gallstones are a contributing factor to most diseases. Any obstruction in the body will cause stress and toxicity and will be a major reason why people become ill and have difficulty recovering from disease.

By doing a gallbladder flush you will take steps to restore your liver. You will improve your health, vitality, energy, and youthfulness. A cleaner liver brings a new lease on life. By decongesting the liver and gallbladder the body's 60-100 trillion cells will breathe more oxygen, receive sufficient amounts of nutrients, eliminate metabolic waste products, and maintain perfect communication links with nervous system, endocrine system,
and every part of the body.

There are two methods of doing a gallbladder flush that we will discuss. You will decide which method best suits you. There is a 4 Day or 6 Day 'Preparation' to choose from. We will cover step by step instructions and you will receive a handout information package. I will be available to take your phone call if you have any questions during your process at no additional charge.

Donna Perrone

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Accent on Wellness-Heavy Metal Toxicity

Raw Food Discussion Group
With Donna Perrone

Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

Starting 6:30 pm for 'New to Raw' People
Starting 7:30 pm for 'Veteran Raw Foodies'
Everyone continues together till at least 9:30 pm

Gravity East Village
515 East 5 Street
Btw. Avenue A & Avenue B
Keypad: 104 'Bell' Symbol Button

Reservations are necessary- Space is limited
Reserve your seat by e-mail or call 212 254 9453
Please include your name & phone #
Fee: $15 Cash

This is your opportunity to share any questions you have and receive feedback and support from the group.

Our Meeting Topic Is On:
"Heavy Metal Toxicity"

We will discuss:
-What are the toxic metals that we are exposed to everyday.
-Where do they come from?
-Symptoms of exposure and toxicity
-What chronic conditions heavy metal poisoning can cause.
-How to free ourselves of heavy metal toxicity.

We will discuss:
Raw Food Emphasized -
Transition, Lifestyle, Emotional Support, Proper Cleansing Measures, Social Issues, Problems and Pitfalls, Helpful Tips and Solutions, etc.

We hope to educate, support and inspire you to live a healthy life and support you where you are. This group will help you find a program that best suits your needs without judgment.

Everyone will have an opportunity to speak if they choose to or just watch and observe.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Accent on Wellness-Juice Fasting/Blended Cleanse Group

Blended Food Cleanse & Juice Fasting Group
with Donna Perrone

Fasting can help to wipe the slate clean of addictive food cravings, overeating, and fatigue. Get back on your healthy eating! This juice fasting group will include the option to consume raw blended soups. Some of you have expressed interest in conducting a juice fast, but feel it to be a little too extreme or feel intimidated by taking on such an endeavor. So, we will cover all the details to conduct a juice fast, as well as incorporating a blended food cleanse if you chose to. You may do a partial juice and partial blended food cleanse, or may choose to start off with blended food and switch to juice later in the fast or visa versa. We will discuss what options may be best for you.This is a great way to experience a cleanse in a modified way.

The next juice fasting group will meet on
Saturday, June 26, 2010 at 10 am - 12 pm

Integral Yoga Institute NYC

227 West 13 Street
between 7-8 Avenue
New York, NY 10011
Phone: 212 929 0585
Aqua Room

Reservations can be made at:
The cost is $30.00.

Every attendee will receive a package of handout information
including recipes.

The benefit to fasting with a group is in how inspired you will feel to begin your fast, and to continue with it for as long as you are comfortable. I will be available to you at no additional charge during your fast if you have any questions regarding your fast.

We will discuss all aspects to fasting including:
how to conduct a fast successfully,
why fast?,
what to expect when you are fasting,
an understanding of how the body cleanses through fasting,
tips on making a fast as easy and as pleasant as possible,
how to end a fast correctly.

Also, handout information and blended food recipes will be provided to you..

You may attend if you plan to start a fast or will plan to fast in the future.

Donna has taught workshops and retreats at many venues such as Accent on Wellness, The New Life Expo-NY, Urban Zen/Kris Carr-Crazy Sexy Wellness, High Vibe, Jivamukti Yoga Center, Amy Rachelle, Caravan of Dreams, Sivananda Yoga Ranch, Dharma Yoga Center, The Raw Spirit Festival,
and The Art of Living Center.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Accent on Wellness- SuperCharge Me with Jenna Norwood

'SuperCharge Me'
Jenna Norwood
dvd screening & Q&A

Friday, June 4, 2010
7 pm - 9 pm

Please arrive a few minutes early

Gravity East Village
515 East 5 Street
btw. Avenue A & Avenue B
Keypad: 104 'Bell' Symbol Button

Reservations are necessary- Seating is Limited
Reserve your seat by e-mail or call 212 254 9453
Please include your name, email address and phone #.
Fee- $10 Cash
DVD's will be available for sale.

Enjoy watching 'SuperCharge Me' and Q&A with Jenna Norwood afterwards!

Ever wonder what the opposite of the film "Super Size Me" would be like? With a tip of the headdress to Morgan Spurlock of "Super Size Me," Jenna Norwood takes us on her journey to see what happens when she enrolls in a raw food detox center and consumes only organic, raw, enzyme-rich foods for 30 days. It's all in an effort to fit into a Las Vegas showgirl costume for Halloween, but the experience has some surprising results. Meet experts (David Wolfe), celebrities (Ben Vereen & Kathy Sledge) and others seeking to resolve serious health issues on a raw food diet. Takes the mystery out of colon hydrotherapy, too. An entertaining, educational and inspiring documentary. A detoxifying experience! Unofficial PG rating, according to MPAA guidelines.
For more information go to

About Jenna Norwood

Jenna Norwood is in demand as a speaker on the subjects of health & well-being, detoxing, healthy weight loss and the impact of our food choices on our environment. She travels around the world to colleges, green festivals and health events giving film screenings and speaking about the effects of food choices on our lives; mind, body, spirit & planet. She was recently a guest speaker at Harvard University. She has been featured in Reuters International, Woman's World Magazine, AOL Health, KBS TV (with TV shows airing in Japan, China and Korea) and Radio Paradiso in Tokyo.

Jenna Norwood's independent film, "Supercharge Me! 30 Days Raw" won "Best Documentary" at the Tofino Film Festival in British Columbia, "Best Motivational Film" at the Raw Film Festival in Hollywood, CA and was a finalist for "Best Florida Film" at the Central Florida Film Festival. The movie was also screened at the Utopia Film Festival, The Tel Aviv SPIRIT Film Festival and the Sarasota Film Festival (where it sold more tickets than any other film). The documentary, inspired by "Super Size Me," is Jenna's first feature film.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Blended Food Cleanse & Juice Fasting Group with Donna Perrone

Blended Food Cleanse & Juice Fasting Group
with Donna Perrone

Fasting can help to wipe the slate clean of addictive food cravings, overeating, and fatigue. Get back on your healthy eating! This juice fasting group will include the option to consume raw blended soups. Some of you have expressed interest in conducting a juice fast, but feel it to be a little too extreme or feel intimidated by taking on such an endeavor. So, we will cover all the details to conduct a juice fast, as well as incorporating a blended food cleanse if you chose to. You may do a partial juice and partial blended food cleanse, or may choose to start off with blended food and switch to juice later in the fast or visa versa. We will discuss what options may be best for you.This is a great way to experience a cleanse in a modified way.

The next juice fasting group will meet on
Wednesday, June 9, 2010 at 7- 8:45 pm

East West Living
78 Fifth Avenue @ 14th Street
New York, New York 10011
Phone: 212-243-5994
The cost is $25.00.

Every attendee will receive a package of handout information
including recipes.

The benefit to fasting with a group is in how inspired you will feel to begin your fast, and to continue with it for as long as you are comfortable. I will be available to you at no additional charge during your fast if you have any questions regarding your fast.

We will discuss all aspects to fasting including:
how to conduct a fast successfully,
why fast?,
what to expect when you are fasting,
an understanding of how the body cleanses through fasting,
tips on making a fast as easy and as pleasant as possible,
how to end a fast correctly.

Also, handout information and blended food recipes will be provided to you..

Donna has taught workshops and retreats at many venues such as Accent on Wellness, The New Life Expo-NY, Urban Zen/Kris Carr-Crazy Sexy Wellness, High Vibe, Jivamukti Yoga Center, Amy Rachelle, Caravan of Dreams, Sivananda Yoga Ranch, Dharma Yoga Center, The Raw Spirit Festival,
and The Art of Living Center.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Yoga & Raw Food Expo

Yoga & Raw Food Expo
NYC - Hotel New Yorker
June 11 - 13

Hotel New Yorker

481 8th Avenue at 34th Street
New York, NY 10001
Tel:(516) 897-0900 for Free brochure
Pre-Registration Discounts

Find brochure on website!

Enjoy free lectures all day long included in your ticket price.

Donna Perrone will speak on...

Friday, 6/11 at 7 pm ABC's To Raw Food
(shorter version of my usual workshop)
Tribecca Room 3 fl.

Friday, 6/11 at 8 pm Panel- Raw Foods Part 1
Gramercy Park Room 3 fl.

Saturday, 6/12 at 10 am Panel- Raw Foods Part 2
Gramercy Park Room 3 fl.

Saturday, 6/12 at 3 pm Raw Food Discussion Group
Kips Bay Room 3 fl

Sunday, 6/13 at 4 pm Power of Food Cravings
(shorter version of my usual workshop)
Gramercy Park Room 3 fl.

Other Raw Food Speakers include:
Brenda Cobb- Founder of Living Foods Institute,
Sproutman Steve Meyerowitz,
Kevin Shuker- Questtv,
Debra Secunda-,
Viktoras Kulvinskas- Survival in the 21st Century,
Scott Grzybek- Zukay Live Foods,
Sri Yogi Dharma Mittra- Dharma Yoga Center,
Queen Afua,
Dr. Alexandro Junger, MD- The Clean Program
Shayna Hiller- Certified Health Coach & Yoga Teacher,
Lillian Butler- Raw Soul Restaurant,
Rhio- Hooked Author of Hooked on Raw, NYTalkRadio Program,
Jill Pettijohn- Fabulous Chef and Nutritional Cleanse
and more!

See ya there!

Donna Perrone

Accent on Wellness- Essential Oils, 101 with Kathleen Ellis

"Therapeutic Grade"
Essential Oils,
Kathleen Ellis

Monday, June 7, 2010
7:30 pm

Gravity East Village

515 East 5 Street
Between Avenue A & Avenue B
Keypad: 104 'Bell' Symbol Button
Fee: $10.00

Reservations Necessary- Limited Seating
Respond by email or call 212 254 9453
Please include your full name & phone #.

Kathleen is a Clinical Aromatherapy & Healing Hands Practitioner. She has been using Young Living Essential Oils since 1999. When major healing health changes began to happen in her life from using Young Living Essential Oils, it became her life's passion to share these oils with others.

Kathleen has been blessed with the opportunity to travel and study with Gary Young, the founder and President of YLEO, while visiting the Young Living farms around the world. She has learned about these precious oils from Seed to Seal and the care that goes into each and every drop.

In this class you will learn:

Why all essential oils are NOT created equal and why it is important for you to know the difference.

How to safely and effectively use essential oils by incorporating best practices from the British Model, the French Model and the German Models.

How to incorporate essential oils into your life on a daily basis by answering the most common questions-"How do I know which oil to use?" and "What can I use oils for?"

Both participate in and learn how to perform a "Heart, Mind, Body, Spirit Balancing Protocol" using essential oils.

Bring your sense of smell and begin with the first drop.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Accent on Wellness-'Healing Eczema' with Donna Perrone

'Healing Eczema'
Donna Perrone

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
7:30 pm

(Please arrive on time.)

Gravity East Village
515 East 5 Street
Between Avenue A & Avenue B
Keypad: 104 'Bell' Symbol Button
Fee: $25.00 Includes Information Package

Reservations Necessary- Limited Seating
Respond by email or call 212 254 9453

Eczema is a term that refers to an atopic form of dermatitis. It's geneneral symptom is an inflammation of the skin. It produces a scaling, flaking, thickening, weeping, crusting, color changing, and often itching of the skin.

We will discuss in this workshop:

-What causes Eczema?
Allergies, Deficiency of Essential Fatty Acids, Candida, Toxemia, and Stress.

-What will help cure Eczema?

-What will help relieve the symptoms of Eczema?

Although, I am not a doctor I have researched this condition in detail. To cure Eczema means doing your own detective work to discover its cause. I suffered from an extreme case of Eczema due to a deficiency of Essential Fatty Acids. For many years, I have been completely cured of Eczema, and have a tremendous amount of information to share with you on this subject.

Accent on Wellness-UNDER Weight Issues+Discussion Group

'Under Weight?'
-Let's explore ways to put on healthy weight-
With Donna Perrone

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Starting 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm- Discussion Group
Starting 7:30 pm- Presentation on Under Weight
Everyone continues together till at least 9:30 pm

Gravity East Village

515 East 5 Street
Btw. Avenue A & Avenue B
Keypad: 104 'Bell' Symbol Button

Reservations are necessary- Space is limited
Reserve your seat by e-mail or call 212 254 9453
Please include your name & phone #
Fee: $15 Cash

Discussion Group from 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm- Is your opportunity to share any questions you have and receive feedback and support from the group.

'Under Weight?'
Let's explore ways to put on healthy weight.

Have you lost too much weight going raw?
Have never been able to keep enough weight on your body
regardless of what you eat?
Calories & Food
Colon Health
Food Assimilation & Digestion

We will discuss:
Raw Food Emphasized -
Transition, Lifestyle, Emotional Support, Proper Cleansing Measures, Social Issues, Problems and Pitfalls, Helpful Tips and Solutions, etc.

We hope to educate, support and inspire you to live a healthy life and support you where you are. This group will help you find a program that best suits your needs without judgment.

Everyone will have an opportunity to speak if they choose to or just watch and observe.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The A B C's to Raw Food Transition

The A B C's
Raw Food Transition
Donna Perrone

'The Facts About Living Foods,
How To Transition,
& Stay Inspired'

Monday, May 10, 2010
7 pm

Gravity East Village

515 East 5 Street #1A
Between Avenue A & Avenue B
Keypad: 104 'Bell' Symbol Button

Please make a reservation- Seating is Limited-
By E-Mail or call 212 254 9453

Please include your full name and phone #.
Cost- $25.00 Paid in Cash
Handout information is provided.

Here's your opportunity to learn some basic principles of health and to enhance your quality of life.

This workshop will help you to understand:
-the Principles of Health
-the Benefits of Eating Raw Food
-Meal Plan Options & Recipe Ideas
-the Common Sense of Food Combining
-the Importance of Proper Detoxification
-What Happens when the Diet is not Working
and the Gentle Transition needed to incorporate these key elements into a Healthy Lifestyle!

Donna shares her years of experience in this exciting, informative workshop. She is a certified colon hydro-therapist, offers nutritional counseling/coaching sessions, and has taught health workshops for Accent on Wellness for over 14 years.

Whether you are new, in transition or well established in these valuable concepts, this workshop will inspire and motivate you to take action to balance your life with good health.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Accent on Wellness- Live-Blood Cell Analysis

Presents Special Guest:
Tonia Hugus

'Live-Blood Cell Analysis'

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
7 pm - 9 pm

Bonobo's Resturant

18 East 23 Street
@ Madison Avenue
No Reservations Accepted
Please arrive early to reserve your seat
and enjoy a delicious raw food meal!
Fee: $15 Cash

This talk will discuss Darkfield Microscopy only.

A teacher, humorist, lecturer, culinary artist, author and international consultant, Tonia Hugus has been a popular speaker throughout the East Coast. A dietary consultant in the Eastern tradition, she was a student of Michio Kushi for 14 years, also helping to establish the Kushi Institute.

Tonia is a Board Certified Darkfield Microscopist.She has completed intensive study with the American Institute of Certified Microscopists. Using a microscope with a darkfield condenser, Tonia can study a droplet of blood and zero in on a client's nutritional deficiencies. Too often people are stuck in a "kitchen sink" approach to supplementation, taking as many as 20 to 30 different supplements. To their great frustration, they remain trapped in a state of chronic sub-optimal health. By looking directly at their blood, Tonia using darkfield microscopy can solve this nutritional dilemma. Nutritional imbalances unique to each individual client's needs are then balanced with dietary changes, minerals, food enzymes and superfood supplementation targeted to their personal needs.

As a client of darkfield blood analysis you will be able to see first hand your nutritional profile by viewing a monitor as we examine your blood. Potential problems are often identifiable in their "infancy" stage, much earlier than using standard blood tests.

Tonia Hugus has been a
pioneer in the whole foods
movement for four decades.
Visit Tonia at her website

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Accent on Wellness- All About Candida

'All About Candida'
with Donna Perrone

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
7:30 - 9:30 pm

Gravity East Village

515 East 5 Street
btw Ave A & Ave B
Keypad 104 & 'Bell' Symbol Button

Fee: $25.00 Cash Paid at the door
Price includes Lecture & Workshop Package

Please R.S.V.P by e-mail or call me at 212 254 9453
Please include your full name and phone #.

Seating is Limited!
Accent on Wellness Hotline: 212 760 5953

Check out my website:

My recovery from chronic yeast infections, bloating, gas, chronic constipation, lack of mental clarity, and acne over 20 years ago began with a change to a healthier diet and proper cleansing methods. Creating a healthy balance in the body is key, and to achieve that balance means a change in the terrain of the body. I have done a lot of research on this topic, and my insight has helped many people find their way to better health. This discussion will cover a basic approach, to more advanced suggestions. Bring paper and a pen!

Topics Include:
Food Combining Principles
Foods To Avoid
Food To Eat
Fermented Food
Change your pH
Hydrogen Peroxide
Support your Immune System
Bring more Oxygen into the Bloodstream

All the best,
Donna Perrone

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Accent on Wellness-Juice Fasting/Blended Cleanse Group

Blended Food Cleanse & Juice Fasting Group
with Donna Perrone

Fasting can help to wipe the slate clean of addictive food cravings, overeating, and fatigue. Get back on your healthy eating! This juice fasting group will include the option to consume raw blended soups. Some of you have expressed interest in conducting a juice fast, but feel it to be a little too extreme or feel intimidated by taking on such an endeavor. So, we will cover all the details to conduct a juice fast, as well as incorporating a blended food cleanse if you chose to. You may do a partial juice and partial blended food cleanse, or may choose to start off with blended food and switch to juice later in the fast or visa versa. We will discuss what options may be best for you.This is a great way to experience a cleanse in a modified way.

The next juice fasting group will meet on
Tuesday, April 13, 2010 at 7:30pm
(Please arrive on time)

Gravity East Village
515 East 5th Street
between Avenue A & Avenue B.
Keypad- 104 'Bell' Symbol Button
The cost is $25.00.
Every attendee will receive a package of handout information
including recipes.

The benefit to fasting with a group is in how inspired you will feel to begin your fast, and to continue with it for as long as you are comfortable. I will be available to you at no additional charge during your fast if you have any questions regarding your fast.

We will discuss all aspects to fasting including:
how to conduct a fast successfully,
why fast?,
what to expect when you are fasting,
an understanding of how the body cleanses through fasting,
tips on making a fast as easy and as pleasant as possible,
how to end a fast correctly.

Also, handout information and blended food recipes will be provided to you..

Please RSVP if you plan to attend.
You may attend if you plan to start a fast or will plan to fast in the future.
Please email me to RSVP or call me at 212 254 9453.
Please include your name and phone #.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Accent on Wellness:Creating Healthy Children with Karen Ranzi

Creating Healthy Children with Karen Ranzi

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
7 pm - 9 pm

Bonobo's Resturant

18 East 23 Street
@ Madison Avenue
No Reservations Accepted
Please arrive early to reserve your seat and enjoy a delicious raw food meal!
Fee: $15 Cash

Lecture and Book Signing!

Author, lecturer and raw food consultant, Karen Ranzi, has recently authored her much anticipated new book, Creating Healthy Children: Through Attachment Parenting and Raw Foods. She has been interviewed on TV and radio on the topics of vegetarian and raw food parenting. Karen has presented her class "Creating Healthy Children" at numerous seminars, festivals and health institutes throughout the United States. In addition to her work in raw vegan nutrition, Karen holds a Masters degree in speech pathology from New York University, and is a speech therapist working with children of all ages for over 30 years, specializing with autistic children for the past 8 years. By means of her education, life-changing personal experiences, and sincere desire to share her message, Karen has been able to guide thousands toward developing excellent health.

In today's fast-paced world, our children's health and nutrition are being compromised by the constant rush to find the quick solution, resulting in our new generation's weight problems as well as more frequent cases of disease due to weakened immune systems.

Karen Ranzi, author, lecturer and raw food consultant, will speak on "Creating Healthy Children," presenting many values nature has given us to restore our children's health through solid nutritional principles. In this informative and transformational evening, Karen will guide you on the path to creating happier and healthier children, confident of their disease-free future. She will share the importance of understanding children's biological and emotional needs. Rather than medicate a child's asthma, ear infections, chronic allergies, learning, attention and hyperactivity disorders, and other illnesses, Karen's approach simply eliminates the causes of disease through the healthful raw food lifestyle. Parents attending her classes have been able to see their children recover from numerous childhood illnesses. You will learn the importance of obtaining the best possible nourishment for your family, and how to implement healthy choices successfully during pregnancy and raising children. Karen reveals terrific tips for children of all ages in how to improve their diet and lifestyle. Parents, future parents, teachers, social workers, psychologists, and anyone else who works with or has children is encouraged to attend the class.

See her website: