Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Accent on Wellness: Stop Making Cancer with Dr. Thomas Lodi

 'Stop Making Cancer!' 

Presented by:

Thomas Lodi, MD
Monday, May 7, 2012
7 pm - 9 pm

META Center 
214 West 29th Street, 16th Floor, NYC
BTW:  7th & 8th Avenue 
 Please remove shoes at the door and no food is permitted.
Water is permitted.


Attend in Person-Reservations are Recommended
Cost- $15.00
Paid through Paypal in Advance.
Payment must be received no later than Friday, May 4th. 

Payment received after May 4th the fee is $25.00.
Can be paid in advance to reserve your seat or paid at the door. 

Watch Live From Your Computer
Webinar option available  
You must have a computer with an internet connection.
You will be able to type in your questions and comments.

Make your payment through paypal and you
will receive a link & password.  
At the time of the class just click on the link and you  
will watch the class live!  

Fee: $30.00
Paid in advance by paypal

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lodi cancer

Just as we don't walk down the street and "catch" health; neither do we walk down the street and "catch" diseases. We earn either health or disease by how we live our lives. One person sneezes in a room with his mouth uncovered and only 3 of the 10 people in that room get sick. Why? With the exception of genetic conditions, which account for less than 3% of illnesses, all other conditions are earned. What "runs" in families are eating habits and life styles. One hundred years ago, 0.5% of Americans got cancer. Almost 50% of Americans alive today will get cancer in their lifetimes. Where is the genetics in that?

What we have been led to believe is that cancer strikes at random. It sneaks up out of the blue and takes down even the most unlikely candidates. These are the myths that strike fear into the general public. Because it's impossible to prevent something that has seemingly has no cause.

These false beliefs based on incorrect information lead to unnecessary fear and can be quite terrifying. But they are also just that, false beliefs, myths. There are actions that we can take in order not to develop cancer but first we must have the truth (correct information) in order to take appropriate actions to avoid cancer.

Cancer is not "the enemy" but rather the consequence of continued violations of natural laws. Because we live in an artificial environment and interact with machines rather than nature, we have all but forgotten that our bodies are subject to natural laws.

Natural laws, unlike human laws, are non-negotiable. Just as surely as the planting of an apple seed will not yield an orange tree; continued violations of the laws which govern our biology, will not yield a healthy outcome. Health is the optimal functioning of an organism.

Health is not, as it is commonly defined, the absence of disease. That would be like saying that "light" is the absence of "darkness". Health is the consequence of healthy living!

A comprehensive approach to cancer prevention must include
the following:
�� We must learn how to live in harmony with nature
�� We must enhance the body's ability to remove wastes and toxins.
�� The immune system must be balanced and enhanced

Dr. Thomas Lodi's premiere book titled, 'Stop Making Cancer' will be available very soon. Join us at the META Center to hear Dr. Lodi share his great insights on health and healing.

Dr. Thomas Lodi, a master's level clinical psychologist, received his medical degree in 1985 from the University of Hawaii. He completed his internship and residency in internal medicine at Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons and worked for ten years as an internist, urgent care physician, and intensivist (ICU/CCU). After several years of additional training in alternative modalities, he narrowed his focus to integrative oncology. He is a member of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), a certified Diplomat in Anti-Aging Medicine under the auspices of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M), a Fellow in Integrative Oncology and an instructor in Insulin Potentiation Therapy. He is certified in and has been practicing both oxidative and chelation therapies for almost two decades. In the state of Arizona, he is licensed as a Homeopathic Medical Doctor by the Arizona Holistic and Integrative Medical Board while in New York he is licensed as an allopathic physician and surgeon by the State of New York, Board of Medical Examiners. As Founder and Chief Physician at An Oasis of Healing, in Mesa, AZ, the foundation of the program he has instituted relies upon restoring the integrity of the immune system and organ function through detoxification and proper nutrition while utilizing a scientifically based integrative approach to targeting cancer which minimizes any harm to the patient.

An Oasis of Healing
210 North Center Street
Suite 102
Mesa, AZ 85201



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