'The Power of Food Cravings'
Donna Perrone
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
7:30 - 9:30 pm
Gravity East Village
515 East 5 Street
Between Avenue A & Avenue B
Keypad- 104 'Bell' Button
Fee- $15.00
Seating is limited-
Make your Reservation by Email perroned1@verizon.com or Call 212 254 9453
Please include your phone #.
Accent on Wellness Hotline: 212 760 5953
"This irresistible feeling comes over you and holds on tight and won't let go!"
"What is it? "
"It's a Craving!"
The most common reason why people have difficulty with going 'raw' or just
plain sticking with a healthy diet is those nasty food cravings..
In this workshop/discussion group we will discuss:
-the reasons for cooked food dependency
-tips on how to increase the amount of raw food in your diet
-the ingredients needed to cope in those challenging moments
-an understanding of what is needed to succeed
This discussion will include an understanding of the physical, psychological and spiritual aspects to better health.
Much of the background material used for this workshop comes from my own experience, my many years working with people in the health community, my knowledge and experience an a Colon Hydrotherapist and from the book '12 Steps to Raw Foods,' by Victoria Boutenko.