'Aloha Hawaii Nite'

Saturday, February 7, 2009
7 - 9:30 pm
Arrive early to enjoy the delicious food!
Dharma Yoga Center
297 Third Avenue
between 22-23 Streets
$7 per person/ Children are free
It's that time again! A winter chill chaser at last! Put the heat into the evening by joining us for some delicious raw food Hawaiian style, play limbo
and win a prize if your great at back bending, and listen to some
festive tunes by Don Ho.
Consider preparing a raw food dish with Hawaiian flair. Some ideas include: Pineapple, ShishKabob, Tropical Fruits, Young Coconuts, Desserts, etc..
Come dressed for the islands! Hawaiian shirts, Hula Skirts, Wraps, Shorts, Bathing Suits. etc.. There is a changing room available at the yoga center, and the temperature is always warm. Best Costume Wins a Prize!
All Surf Boards are Welcome!
Please bring a raw food dish that many people can sample. Consider that at least 30 people will have a spoonful of your offering of fruit, salad, blended soup, raw nut pate, and raw desserts. Please be generous.
Consider bringing a friend.
See you there!
Donna Perrone
Saturday, February 7, 2009
7 - 9:30 pm
Arrive early to enjoy the delicious food!
Dharma Yoga Center
297 Third Avenue
between 22-23 Streets
$7 per person/ Children are free
It's that time again! A winter chill chaser at last! Put the heat into the evening by joining us for some delicious raw food Hawaiian style, play limbo
and win a prize if your great at back bending, and listen to some
festive tunes by Don Ho.
Consider preparing a raw food dish with Hawaiian flair. Some ideas include: Pineapple, ShishKabob, Tropical Fruits, Young Coconuts, Desserts, etc..
Come dressed for the islands! Hawaiian shirts, Hula Skirts, Wraps, Shorts, Bathing Suits. etc.. There is a changing room available at the yoga center, and the temperature is always warm. Best Costume Wins a Prize!
All Surf Boards are Welcome!
Please bring a raw food dish that many people can sample. Consider that at least 30 people will have a spoonful of your offering of fruit, salad, blended soup, raw nut pate, and raw desserts. Please be generous.
Consider bringing a friend.
See you there!
Donna Perrone
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