Friday, January 30, 2009

Accent on Wellness- Gallbladder Flush

'Ultimate Gallbladder & Liver Flush'
with Donna Perrone

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
7:30-9:30 pm

Gravity East Village
515 East 5th Street #1A
(keypad- 104 & bell symbol button)
Between Avenue A & Avenue B

Cost: $25.00 Includes Handout Information Package
Seating is limited:
Please R.S.V.P by e-mail or call 212 254 9453
Please include your Name & phone #.
Check out my website:

Just about everyone has gallstones. They are formed in the liver and are found also in the gallbladder and the connecting ducts. When doing a gallbladder/liver flush you can pass hundreds of green and beige colored gallstones. Gallstones are primarily made of cholesterol as the main ingredient (95%), bile, and calcium salts. They are congealed clumps of bile that are invisible to any x-ray or ultra sound technology. An ultra-sound will detect a fatty liver when the cholesterol based stones are blocking the liver and ducts and will show a completely white picture instead of black. A fatty liver can accumulate 20,000 stones before it succumbs to suffocation and ceases to function.

Gallstones are a contributing factor to most diseases. Any obstruction in the body will cause stress and toxicity and will be a major reason why people become ill and have difficulty recovering from disease.

By doing a gallbladder flush you will take steps to restore your liver. You will improve your health, vitality, energy, and youthfulness. A cleaner liver brings a new lease on life. By decongesting the liver and gallbladder the body's 60-100 trillion cells will breathe more oxygen, receive sufficient amounts of nutrients, eliminate metabolic waste products, and maintain perfect communication links with nervous system, endocrine system,
and every part of the body.

There are two methods of doing a gallbladder flush that we will discuss. You will decide which method best suits you. There is a 4 Day or 6 Day 'Preparation' to choose from. We will cover step by step instructions and you will receive a handout information package. I will be available to take your phone call if you have any questions during your process at no additional charge.

Donna Perrone

Monday, January 26, 2009

Accent on Wellness-Intestinal Health

Intestinal Health:
A Window View To A Healthy Life
with Donna Perrone

Tuesday, February 10th

7:30 pm

Gravity East Village
515 East 5 Street
btw. Avenue A & Avenue B
Keypad: 104 'Bell' Symbol Button

Reservations are necessary
Your seat is reserved when you receive confirmation
Make your reservation by email or call 212 254 9453
Fee: $20 Cash

Our Topic of Discussion will Include:
-The Relationship Between Achieving Ultimate Health and Proper Elimination.

-How Colon Cleansing Can be the Missing Link to Healing the Body from Disease.

-Improve Your Intestinal Health and Digestion.

-What Results to Expect if Colon Cleansing is Not Part of Your Transition to a Raw Foods Lifestyle or when Undertaking a Fast.

-Get Inspired to Transform your Life with Cleansing and Detoxification!

Donna Perrone began her health group 'Accent on Wellness' in NYC in 1995 which is a healthy lifestyle transition group. She is a volunteer, group facilitator and organizer that hosts guest speakers at Bonobo's Restaurant, teaches healthy lifestyle workshops, leads a support/discussion group and organizes community gatherings.

Donna is a Certified Colon Hydro-Therapist with her own wellness center located in NYC called 'Gravity East Village'. Her office features a staff of Gravity Method Therapists, State of the Art Filtration, Infra-Red Sauna, and other therapies such as Massage and Energy Healing.

Donna has a bi-monthly internet radio program called 'Vitality' found at Donna Perrone and Mike Perrine discuss topics pertaining to health and have featured guests such as David Wolfe, Viktoras Kulvinskas, and Dr. Fred Bisci.

Donna worked as a Nutritional Counselor for Thomas Lodi, MD. Donna advised many very sick people, many with cancer to improve their dietary habits.

Donna has taught workshops and retreats at many venues such as Accent on Wellness, The New Life Expo-NY, High Vibe, Jivamukti Yoga Center, Amy Rachelle, Caravan of Dreams, Sivananda Yoga Ranch, Dharma Yoga Center, The Raw Spirit Festival, and The Art of Living Center.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Accent on Wellness: 'Aloha Hawaii Raw Food Potluck"

'Aloha Hawaii Nite'

Saturday, February 7, 2009
7 - 9:30 pm
Arrive early to enjoy the delicious food!

Dharma Yoga Center
297 Third Avenue
between 22-23 Streets
$7 per person/ Children are free

It's that time again! A winter chill chaser at last! Put the heat into the evening by joining us for some delicious raw food Hawaiian style, play limbo
and win a prize if your great at back bending, and listen to some
festive tunes by Don Ho.

Consider preparing a raw food dish with Hawaiian flair. Some ideas include: Pineapple, ShishKabob, Tropical Fruits, Young Coconuts, Desserts, etc..

Come dressed for the islands! Hawaiian shirts, Hula Skirts, Wraps, Shorts, Bathing Suits. etc.. There is a changing room available at the yoga center, and the temperature is always warm. Best Costume Wins a Prize!

All Surf Boards are Welcome!

Please bring a raw food dish that many people can sample. Consider that at least 30 people will have a spoonful of your offering of fruit, salad, blended soup, raw nut pate, and raw desserts. Please be generous.

Consider bringing a friend.

See you there!

Donna Perrone

Accent on Wellness: Raw Food Discussion Group

Raw Food Discussion Group
With Donna Perrone

Monday, February 2, 2009
Starting 6:30 pm for 'New to Raw' People
Starting 7:30 pm for 'Veteran Raw Foodies'
Everyone continues together till at least 9:30 pm

Gravity East Village
515 East 5 Street
Btw. Avenue A & Avenue B
Keypad: 104 'Bell' Symbol Button

Reservations are necessary- Space is limited
Reserve your seat by e-mail or call 212 254 9453
Please include your name & phone #
Fee: $12 Cash

This is your opportunity to share any questions you have and receive feedback and support from the group.

Our Meeting Topic Is On:
"How to Gain More Energy,
Feel & Look Your Best!"

We will discuss:
-The Principles of Health
-The Benefits of Eating Raw Food
-Increase Oxygen Flow in Your Blood Stream
-Create Radiant Glowing Skin
-The Importance of Proper Elimination

We will discuss:
Raw Food Emphasized -
Transition, Lifestyle, Emotional Support, Proper Cleansing Measures, Social Issues, Problems and Pitfalls, Helpful Tips and Solutions, etc.

We hope to educate, support and inspire you to live a healthy life and support you where you are. This group will help you find a program that best suits your needs without judgement.

Everyone will have an opportunity to speak if they choose to or just watch and observe.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Accent on Wellness: Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes

Simply Raw:
Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days
DVD Movie Screening

Simply Raw

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
7:30 pm
(We will start promptly.. Please arrive a few minutes early!)

Gravity East Village
515 East 5 Street
Between Avenue A & Avenue B
Keypad: 104 'Bell' Symbol Button
Fee: $5 Cash

Reservations are Necessary. Seating is Limited.
Please R.S.V.P. by e-mail- or
call 212 254 9453.
Please include your name and phone #.

There will be DVD's available for purchase.

Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days is an independent documentary film that chronicles six Americans with diabetes who switch to a diet consisting entirely of vegan, organic, uncooked food in order to reverse disease without pharmaceutical medication. The six are challenged to give up meat, dairy, sugar, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, soda, junk food, fast food, processed food, packaged food, and even cooked food for 30 days. The film follows each participant's remarkable journey and captures the medical, physical, and emotional transformations brought on by this radical diet and lifestyle change. We witness moments of struggle, support, and hope as what is revealed, with startling clarity, is that diet can reverse disease and change lives.

The film highlights each of the six before they begin the program and we first meet them in their home environment with their families. Each participant speaks candidly about their struggle to manage their diabetes and how it has affected every aspect of their life, from work to home to their relationships.


Running time: 91 minutes

After arriving at The Tree of Life in Arizona, the group receives entry exams and medical tests, and is placed under the care of Dr. Gabriel Cousens. Dr. Cousens is a well known holistic medical doctor, as well as an authority on alternative healing and raw living food nutritional therapies. Medical discussions and group support meetings were held daily and medical checks conducted twice a day. The participants are encouraged to exercise, practice yoga and meditation, and are taught about food selection and preparation.

Reactions varied to this regime. All experienced a variety of emotions about the new diet and new lifestyle that they were immersed in. Some adapted to the changes more easily, others expressed feelings of deprivation and frustration with the shift from their familiar diet and environment. After a short time following the protocol, their blood sugar levels began dropping without medication and they were delighted as their bodies felt better and their minds experienced a deeper clarity. They began to believe that it was possible to reverse their disease with diet and the transformation from feeling powerless about their diabetes, to feeling empowered and healthy, emerges as they witness dramatic changes within themselves.

Simply Raw reveals, with startling clarity, that diet can reverse diabetes and change the quality of people's lives. The film captures the human drama and struggle of these courageous individuals making a quantum leap of faith from a traditional junk food diet to a raw vegan diet and it shows revealing moments of nurturing, compassion, and human spirit. It is a film about a life changing journey on a simply raw diet and how nature is the original medicine.

Additional wisdom is provided by Morgan Spurlock, Woody Harrelson, Anthony Robbins, Rev. Michael Beckwith, David Wolfe and Doctors Fred Bisci, Joel Furman, Gary Null, and Gabriel Cousens.