Monday, December 7, 2015
7 pm
(Please arrive on time.)
(Please arrive on time.)
Caravan of Dreams Restaurant
405 East 6 Street
btw. 1st Avenue and Avenue A
Reservations are Necessary!

2013 Dinner at Rawlicious

sharing a raw food vegan meal with like-minded health conscious
friends! Caravan of Dreams Restaurant is considered one of the best raw
food restaurants in NYC!
Make new friends. Invite a spouse or friend if you desire.
of Dreams Restaurant offers a wonderful wide variety of raw food meal
options. You will be able to order anything on the menu. Each table will
be responsible to settle their bill.
SOCIAL NETWORK! I will encourage you to social network for your business, to make new friends or to date. There will be an 'icebreaker' to help get the mingling started! Also, you can network to friend a 'phone buddy' to create mutual support on your journey to stay on track with healthy eating or weight loss. Please bring biz cards!
FREE RAFFLE! Win a prize in our Holiday Raffle! You are likely to win something terrific because the odds are in your favor and there will be so many prizes offered!
SOCIAL NETWORK! I will encourage you to social network for your business, to make new friends or to date. There will be an 'icebreaker' to help get the mingling started! Also, you can network to friend a 'phone buddy' to create mutual support on your journey to stay on track with healthy eating or weight loss. Please bring biz cards!
FREE RAFFLE! Win a prize in our Holiday Raffle! You are likely to win something terrific because the odds are in your favor and there will be so many prizes offered!
I look forward to seeing you there!
(P.S. Can't wait to eat yummy raw food!)