Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Accent on Wellness:Integrating Imagery Into Self-Care

'Integrating Imagery Into Self-Care'  with Sam Levy

Friday, October 11, 2013
7 pm - 9 pm
Gravity East Village  
515 East 5 Street 
Btw. Avenue A & Avenue B 
Keypad: 104 'Bell' Symbol Button

Reservations are necessary- Space is limited 
Reserve your seat by e-mail perroned1@verizon.net . 
Please include your name & phone #
Fee: $20 Cash Paid at the Door
Self-care is critical for the health and well being of any person living in a 21st century urban environment. It is important for all individuals to care for their own mental and emotional health and well-being. A positive mental attitude ensures a productive human being with an exceptional quality of life. A Buddhist parallel asserts that individuals need to care for themselves first in order to more effectively engage with others, as healthy individuals are better equipped to provide assistance in
professional and social capacities. The aim of this workshop is to help enhance participants' mental and emotional strength and resilience through lessons of self-care. The workshop will employ
cognitive behavioral technique, mind-body medicine, neuro-linguistic programming, performance psychology, and mindfulness training. Imagery is the use and integration of people's sense of experience in the world. In fact, it is omnipresent in our everyday lives and thought processes, and the activities in this workshop are designed to sharpen our natural inclinations. Utilizing a frame of reference of how participants experience the world, the workshop will include an integration of
senses in a guided visualization. By gaining more heightened awareness of thoughts, emotions, and ambitions, participants will learn to selectively choose and create their own powerful verbal
cues, which will then be used to guide their experience. Integrating imagery encompasses mental skills foundations, building confidence, goal setting, attention control, energy management, and
relaxation. Together, these skills help individuals enhance and become more congruent in their lives.
Sam holds a Master's degree in counseling and developmental studies and is certified school counselor in the state New York State's Department of Education. Sam is pursuing a Master's degree in clinical social work. He is a certified consultant with the Association of Applied Sport Psychology and is an active member of the American Psychological Association. Sam has also served as an intelligence officer in the military. His passion is to help others leverage the brain-mind-body connection in the execution of performance excellence within the perception of real time.


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Accent on Wellness: 7 Ways To Detox Your Body w/ Donna Perrone

7 Ways To Detox Your Body
Donna Perrone   
dp pink

Tuesday, October 8, 2013
6 pm - 8:30 pm

139 Avenue A
at 9 Street
7 Ways to Detox Your Body With Donna Perrone


What is Detoxification?
Who is best suited for a Cleanse?
When is the Best Time to Cleanse?
What is the Benefit of doing a Cleanse?
What to Expect while on a Cleanse.
Achieve the success you Desire!

Donna Perrone will answer your questions and address your concerns regarding this topic.
Topics Include:

  1. Healthy Eating
  2. Fasting
  3. Liver Cleansing
  4. Heavy Metal Cleanse
  5. Lymph Health
  6. Colon Cleanse
  7. De-Stress
Donna Perrone began her health group in NYC in 1995 called 'Accent on Wellness' which is a healthy lifestyle transition group. She is a volunteer, group facilitator and organizer that hosts guest speakers, teaches healthy lifestyle workshops, and organizes community gatherings.  

Donna is a Certified Colon Hydro-Therapist with her own wellness center located in NYC called 'Gravity East Village'.  Her office features a staff of Gravity Method Therapists, State of the Art Filtration, Infra-Red Sauna, and Workshops.  
Donna has taught workshops and retreats at many venues such as Accent on Wellness, The New Life Expo-NY, Kris Carr/Crazy Sexy Wellness, Integral Yoga,  Jivamukti Yoga Center NYC, Transformation with Amy Rachelle, Dharma Yoga Center, and The Raw Spirit Festival.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Accent on Wellness:Introduction to Essential Oils with Cynthia Shankman

Introduction to Essential Oils! 
with Cynthia Shankman  
Young Living Oils

Tuesday, September 24, 2013
7 pm- 9 pm
Gravity East Village
515 East 5 Street

BTW: Avenue A & Avenue B
Keypad: 104 'Bell' Symbol Button

Fee: $5 cash paid at the door.
If you are an existing member/distributor of Young Living outside of
Gravity East Village the class fee is $20.00. No solicitation permitted.

Please reserve your seat by email-  PerroneD1@verizon.net.
Space is Limited!
Please include your Full Name and Phone #.


If you are already a member of our Young Living group please come back to learn more information and share your experience. Feel free to bring a friend to share this message for good health. 
  You will learn how therapeutic grade essential oils
can enhance your health and well-being! 
   Learn how to:     
*  Restore a calm and balanced mood and enhance mental focus      
*  Stop colds and flus before they make you sick!    
*  Ease pain and depression!    
*  Increase your energy level and stamina!   
  Therapeutic grade essential oils are considered to be the leading edge of natural healing.  They have been used throughout history as medicine, for beauty, and to ease pain, depression, and stress.  Join us for an educational and fun-filled aromatherapy gathering and experience the joy of therapeutic grade essential oils!           


    Essential Oils have been used since the beginning of recorded history for health, beauty and for aroma.

Young Living Logo  
Essential Oils can:  
Help us lose weight ~ Assist with calming and stress reduction ~ Create focus and clarity, clear brain fog ~ Help children with homework ~ Improve skin tone ~ Improve sleep and snoring!

Experience for yourself!  Oils will be shared!     
A Workshop of Discovery and Experience!      
~Touch~Experience~Taste~ a variety of Young Living essential oils and products!