Wednesday, July 31, 2013

AOW-What's There To Eat? With Donna Perrone

What's There To Eat? 
Presentation & Discussion Group
With Donna Perrone
smile cake 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013
7 pm  - 9 pm

Gravity East Village 515 East 5 Street

Btw. Avenue A & Avenue B
Keypad: 104 'Bell' Symbol Button

Attend in Person 
Reservations are necessary- Space is limited

Reserve your seat by e-mail or call 212 388 9788
Please include your name & phone #

Fee: $20 Cash paid at the door

Webinar Option Available/Watch The Class Live Online

Call 212 388 9788

To Pay by Credit Card.

Or Pay by paypal at Product/Services

Fee: $25
This is your opportunity to share any questions you have and receive feedback and support from the group.

Our Meeting Topic Is On:
"What's There to Eat?"

raw soup

We will discuss: 
-How to stay inspired to eat healthy.

-Great tips to increase the amount raw foods in your diet.

-Meal Plan Options

-Recipe ideas that are quick, easy, and satisfying

-How to cherish the journey

**Handout Information is  Provided**

 We will discuss:

Raw Food Emphasized -
Transition, Lifestyle, Emotional Support, Proper Cleansing Measures, Social Issues, Problems and Pitfalls, Helpful Tips and Solutions, etc.  
We hope to educate, support and inspire you to live a healthy life and support you where you are. This group will help you find a program that best suits your needs without judgment.

Everyone will have an opportunity to speak if they choose to or just watch and observe.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Accent on Wellness: Detoxification Using Essential Oils

'Detoxification Using Essential Oils' 
with Cynthia Shankman 

Young Living Oils    

Tuesday, August 6, 2013
7 pm- 9 pm
Gravity East Village
515 East 5 Street
BTW: Avenue A & Avenue B
Keypad: 104 'Bell' Symbol Button

Fee: $5 cash paid at the door.
If you are an existing member/distributor of Young Living outside of
Gravity East Village the class fee is $20.00. No solicitation permitted.

Please reserve your seat by email- or call 212 388 9788.
Space is Limited!
Please include your Full Name and Phone #.

Please join us for:
Intro Class: Detoxification Using Essential Oils 

You deserve life's very best!  
Young Living Oils are the highest & best, therapeutic grade quality, essential oils in the world.

Please bring a friend to share the good news.  
We all know someone who will benefit from using more nature and less synthetic!

We will briefly discuss:
  • WHO can use essential oils
  • WHY we use essential oils
  • WHERE essential oils come from
  • HOW to get them.
Then we will dive into recipes & elixirs to boost your vibrancy inside and out.

Some of the topics to be discussed are:
  • How Citrus Oils Break Down Toxins As A Natural Plant Solvent
  • Therapeutic Uses Of Essential Oils For Cleansing The Body  
  • Weightloss
  • Essential Oils For Organ Support Such As For The Liver, Digestive, etc. 
  • Oils will be shared and passed. Samples will be shared.  


Young Living Logo  

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

AOW-Overcoming Addiction Through A Raw Foods Diet

'Overcoming Addiction  
Through A Raw Foods Diet' 
With Julia Lucas 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013
7 pm - 9 pm
Gravity East Village  
515 East 5 Street

Btw. Avenue A & Avenue B
Keypad: 104 'Bell' Symbol Button

Reservations are necessary- Space is limited
Reserve your seat by e-mail .
Please include your name & phone #
Fee: $15 Cash Paid at the Door
or secure your seat by advance payment with a credit card
by calling 212 388 9788.

Advance Payment Reqiured of $20 Paid by Credit Card.
Watch the class LIVE from your computer with an internet connection.
You will receive a link and password. 
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?  Are you ready to unmask the real reason for some of your misery and let it go?  Are you ready to take control of what you can to create a life beyond your wildest dreams?

Whether addicted to sugar, alcohol or substances, a raw foods diet offers new insight on healing, finding chemical balance and cellular repair leading to lessening addictive cravings.  Finding new clarity raises consciousness to heal the spiritual malaise of addiction.   You can be HEALTHY, HAPPY and HOT just by adding a few things to your diet (and removing some things)!
Some people have very sensitive metabolisms and brain chemistry and become addicted to substances, especially sugar, very easily.  Sugar greatly affects some people!!!  We can acknowledge this, accept it and take action.  Nutrition is the key.  I will show you what to eat for optimal health and emotional balance.  Ph balance and proper food combining play important roles in this cleansing and healing process.
Raw Julia transformed her life and health by adding some simple things to her diet.  Her health changed dramatically, and she went from getting sober to dying of sugar addiction to Living Fully!  She has studied with Living Foods experts such as Dr. Brian Clement, David Wolfe, Mimi Kirk, Donna Perrone, Dr. Gabriel Cousens, Jenna Norwood, Tim VanOrden, Karen Ranzi, and more....  She is a meditation teacher, trained in three levels of EFT, and works in film.


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Raw Food Potluck & Bethany's Story Movie Screening

Raw Food Potluck & 'Bethany's Story' 
DVD Movie Screening

Sunday, July 28, 2013

RAW Food Potluck
4 pm - 6 pm
Enjoy Gravity's Outdoor Garden!
Reservations are Necessary
Fee: $7 Cash Paid at Door.


'Bethany's Story' Movie Screening
6:30 pm
Reservations are Necessary/Seating is Limited
Please arrive on time.

Featuring: Neal Barnard, MD, Gabriel Cousens, MD, Lewis Mehl-Madrona, MD, Michael Greger, MD, Brenda Davis, RD, Brian Clement, PhD
Gravity East Village
515 East 5 Street
BTW: Avenue A & Avenue B
Keypad: 104 'Bell' Symbol Button

RSVP Email- or call 212 254 9453.


Please bring a raw food dish that many people can sample. Consider that at least 15 people will have a spoonful of your offering of fruit, salad, blended soup, beverage, raw nut pate, and raw desserts. Please be generous.
There are no sinks available for washing your bowls. We will supply plates, utensils, and paper towels etc.
Feel Free To Invite A Friend!   
 Bethany's Story Movie Screening
and Q&A with Producer Janet McKee !  
Doctors Support Plant-Based Diet as Critical Factor in Healing
PITTSBURGH (April 4, 2013) -The film "Bethany's Story", produced by health and wellness organization Sanaview, documents a girl's illness from its onset to recovery. It reveals how food, not medicine, consistently proves to be a dominant factor in healing and reversing illness and disease. Illustrating these points are interviews with leading medical and nutrition experts such as Dr. Neal Barnard, founder of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Dr. Michael Gregor, founder of, and many more.

At age thirteen, Bethany was left paralyzed from a series of bad reactions to medication. For years doctors told her she would never walk again. On her own, Bethany discovered and adopted a vegan plant-based diet and within a short amount of time she was out of her chair standing and walking. "Our body has this amazing ability to rejuvenate and repair and regenerate," says Dr. Michael Gregor.
"Bethany's Story" has been screened at the NYC Vegetarian Food Festival, pre-viewed at the Vegetarian Summerfest and was a first time sell out at the Pittsburgh Filmmakers Institute in Pittsburgh, PA. It has been selected to be screened at The Seeds Festival in New York City in May 2013, the Toronto Raw Vegan Festival this June of 2013 and many more. "Finally, doctors support a health trend that is here to stay," Dr. Neal Barnard adds, "The number of people saying wait a minute, I want a better way, I want to feed myself better, I want to feed my kids better, that group is bigger than ever."
# # #
Janet McKee, founder of Sanaview and producer of "Bethany's Story," is a board certified Holistic Health Counselor and a certified member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Accent on Wellness-Master Raw Chef Cherie Soria-Living Light Institute

Master Raw Chef Cherie Soria 

Founder & Director of Living Light Institute
& Dinner at Rawlcious! 


Monday, September 16, 2013

7 pm   

Rawlicious Soho Restaurant

249 Centre Street NYC 10013

BTW: Broom & Grand Streets 

Pay in Advance To Secure Your Seat. 

Fee: $55 Includes 6 Course Dinner & Class with Food Demo!

(Tax & Tip Included in Price!)

All Sales Are Final (Products/Services Page)

or Call 212 388 9788 to pay with credit card. 

Not Sure? Submit Full Name & Phone #. Must Confirm by Noon 9/16.
Your seat is only saved with payment.

Reserve your seat by e-mail
Please include your name & phone #. Cash Only paid at the door. 
Please be considerate, as we need an idea of how many people are attending.
If your reservation is not made in advance by 9/12 there may not be a price fix dinner available.
Enjoy a Demonstration & Tasting of
'Sweet Red Pepper and Zucchini Hummus'  
by Cherie Soria & Dan Ladermann !

  'Raw Food For Smart Busy People'
Learn how to get started on the road to living a healthy, balanced lifestyle incorporating more delicious raw foods.
Find out why raw foods help you gain more energy, feel younger, reduce colds, flues and allergies, and help bring your weight into balance without "dieting" .
Watch master raw food chef, Cherie Soria, and her husband Dan Ladermann, prepare recipes from their new book, Raw Food For Dummies, that are as easy to prepare as they are delicious.

Cherie Soria
Raw food revolutionary, Cherie Soria, is the founder and director of Living Light Culinary Institute, and has been teaching the art of gourmet raw foods to individuals, chefs, and instructors for more than 20 years and vegetarian culinary arts for 40 years. Cherie has personally trained many of the world's top raw food chefs and instructors and is often referred to as the Mother of Gourmet Raw Vegan Cuisine. She is the author of four books, including Raw Food Revolution Diet and Raw Food for Dummies.
Dan Ladermann Bio
Dan Ladermann was a pioneer in the internet revolution in the late 70's and has been pioneering the raw food revolution and its impact on health for the past 15 years. He is coauthor Raw Food for Dummies and co-director of Living Light International along with his wife Cherie Soria. Dan is also president of the Institute for Vibrant Living, a non-profit organization dedicated to global education about raw organic plant-strong foods and their role in health and vitality and a certified Hippocrates Health Educator.
Together, Dan and Cherie have built a family of businesses united in their commitment to sharing the benefits of an organic, sustainable, raw food lifestyle with people around the world. This includes the prestigious Living Light Culinary Institute, the Living Light Café, Living Light Marketplace and the Eco-friendly Living Light Inn.
For more information on Dan and Cherie's Raw Rocks! Tour, visit
Rawlicious Price Fix Menu

(1st course) Juice

(2nd course) Starter

(3rd course) Appetizer

(4th course) Salad

(5th course) Entree of choice

(6th course) Dessert

TAX & Tip are Included in Price!