Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Accent on Wellness:Introduction to Essential Oils with Cynthia Shankman

Introduction to Essential Oils! 
with Cynthia Shankman
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
7 pm- 9 pm
Gravity East Village
515 East 5 Street
BTW: Avenue A & Avenue B
Keypad: 104 'Bell' Symbol Button

Fee: $5 cash paid at the door.
If you are an existing member/distributor of Young Living outside of
Gravity East Village the class fee is $20.00. No solicitation permitted.

Please reserve your seat by email- or call 212 254 9453.
Space is Limited!
Please include your full name and Phone #.

If you are already a member of our Young Living group please come back to learn more information and share your experience. Feel free to bring a friend to share this message for good health. 
  You will learn how therapeutic grade essential oils
can enhance your health and well-being! 
   Learn how to:     
*  Restore a calm and balanced mood and enhance mental focus      
*  Stop colds and flus before they make you sick!    
*  Ease pain and depression!    
*  Increase your energy level and stamina!   
  Therapeutic grade essential oils are considered to be the leading edge of natural healing.  They have been used throughout history as medicine, for beauty, and to ease pain, depression, and stress.  Join us for an educational and fun-filled aromatherapy gathering and experience the joy of therapeutic grade essential oils!           


    Essential Oils have been used since the beginning of recorded history for health, beauty and for aroma.

Young Living Logo  
Essential Oils can:  
Help us lose weight ~ Assist with calming and stress reduction ~ Create focus and clarity, clear brain fog ~ Help children with homework ~ Improve skin tone ~ Improve sleep and snoring!

Experience for yourself!  Oils will be shared!     
A Workshop of Discovery and Experience!      
~Touch~Experience~Taste~ a variety of Young Living essential oils and products!    

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

 Be Prepared.
This Course is a Comprehensive Guide to Emergency Preparedness & Response 


Your Instructor: Former Military Intelligence Officer
Served three hurricanes on activated duty, ranging to category 5
Subject matter expert in preparedness and response

Friday, February 8, 2013
7 pm - 9 pm

Gravity East Village
515 East 5 Street
btw. Avenue A & Avenue B
Keypad: 104 'Bell' Symbol Button

Attend in Person-Reservations are Made with Advance Payment
Your seat is reserved when you receive confirmation
Make your reservation by making payment through Paypal
Fee: $15 in Advance
$20 Cash at the Door 

Go to Products /Services Page
Call 212 388 9788 or 646 494 1865
To Make your Payment by Phone with a Credit Card.
Natural - earthquakes, urban fires, wild fires, floods, heat,
landslides, mud/debris flows, avalanches, tsunamis, volcanoes,
ice caps melting, methane explosions, & meteor impacts.
Severe Weather: thunder/lightning/electrical/snow/hail storms,
tornadoes, hurricanes.
Manmade / Terrorism - explosions, bombs,
nuclear/biological/chemical (NBC), radiological dispersion device
(RDD), accidents, virus pandemics, & failure of a dam.
Technological - Hazardous material incidents, household chemical
emergencies, & nuclear power plant emergencies.
What are your top concerns? Air, eye sight, security, water, first
aid and medication, shelter, food, fire, light, cash, documentation, clothing
and footwear and other transportation options, tools, and sanitation.
What is your family communications plan? Do you have an evacuation
plan - with routes & transportation contingencies?

Do you have a get-out bag to dismount on foot? Can you shelter in place?
 Do you have back-up plans?
Can you return to your life with seamless transition?
This is a course about empowerment.
The condition upon which G-d hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance.
-John Philpot Curran

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Accent on Wellness- Rid Your Body of Heavy Metal Toxicity!

Workshop on the Topic of:
'Heavy Metal Toxicity' 
The Missing Link to Many Diseases
With Donna Perrone

Saturday, February 2, 2013

10:30 am to 12:30 pm

Integral Yoga Institute  

227 West 13th Street  New York, NY 10011

btw: 7 - 8 Avenue
212 929 0585 

Fee- $25.00
Reservations are recommended by making advance payment.

Our Class Topic Is On:
"Heavy Metal Toxicity"

We will discuss:
-What are the toxic metals that we are exposed to everyday?
-Where do they come from?
-Symptoms of exposure and toxicity
-What chronic conditions heavy metal poisoning can cause.
-How to free ourselves of heavy metal toxicity.  

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Accent on Wellness: New Year, New You, For Real! with Author, Victoria Moran


'New Year, New You, For Real!'
With Author, Victoria Moran

Monday, January 28, 2013
7 pm - 9:30 pm 

Gravity East Village
515 East 5 Street
Btw. Avenue A & Avenue B
Keypad: 104 'Bell' Symbol Button
Reservations are necessary- Space is limited
Fee: $15 in advance by Credit Card or $20 Cash Paid at the door.

Pay with Paypal in Advance
Go to Products & Services
Call 646 280 7628
To pay with a Credit Card in Advance by phone.

Can't Attend the Class?
You can watch a Live- Streaming WEBINAR  
from your computer.
You will receive a link and password to gain access to the class online.
Fee: $20 

Making 2013 your best year ever is less about resolutions than about a revolution: a revolutionary turnaround in the way you treat yourself a day at a time. You don't have to be "perfect," just committed: to yourself, your health, and your life. In this exciting evening, 2012 "Vegan of the Year" Victoria Moran, HHC, AADP, will provide you with effective, practical tools to make peace with food and weight; slow the aging process; and make the changes you want to make a reality. Maybe it's to go sugar-free or vegan or raw, or exercise regularly, or slash your stress and simplify your life -- a rather daunting task in New York City. In this special New Year's event, you'll learn new facts and useful techniques, as well as write yourself a commitment letter that will show up in your snail mail in the spring to inspire you to keep the good stuff coming.

Bio: Victoria Moran ( is the author of Creating a Charmed Life, Fit from Within, Younger by the Day, and Main Street Vegan, which VegNews calls "the Vegan Bible," and Ellen Degeneres says "offers practical advice and matter what tax bracket you're in." A certified holistic health counselor practicing as a vegan lifestyle coach in New York City, Victoria co-hosts the weekly Main Street Vegan Show on Unity.FM radio and is director of Main Street Vegan Academy, training and certifying vegan lifestyle coaches.


Victoria Moran, HHC, AADP, VLC

Author, Main Street Vegan

Director, Main Street Vegan Academy

Monday, January 14, 2013

Accent on Wellness:Class on Essential Oils with Cynthia Shankman 1/22

Introduction to Essential Oils! 
with Cynthia Shankman
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
7 pm- 9 pm
Gravity East Village
515 East 5 Street
BTW: Avenue A & Avenue B
Keypad: 104 'Bell' Symbol Button

Fee: $5 cash paid at the door.

Please reserve your seat by email- or call 212 254 9453.
Space is Limited!
Please include your full name and Phone #.

If you are already a member of our Young Living group please come back to learn more information and share your experience. Feel free to bring a friend to share this message for good health. 
  You will learn how therapeutic grade essential oils
can enhance your health and well-being! 
Learn how to:     
*  Restore a calm and balanced mood and enhance mental focus 
*  Stop colds and flus before they make you sick! 
*  Ease pain and depression! 
*  Increase your energy level and stamina!   
  Therapeutic grade essential oils are considered to be the leading edge of natural healing.  They have been used throughout history as medicine, for beauty, and to ease pain, depression, and stress.  Join us for an educational and fun-filled aromatherapy gathering and experience the joy of therapeutic grade essential oils!           


  Essential Oils have been used since the beginning of recorded history for health, beauty and for aroma.

Young Living Logo  
Essential Oils can:  
Help us lose weight ~ Assist with calming and stress reduction ~ Create focus and clarity, clear brain fog ~ Help children with homework ~ Improve skin tone ~ Improve sleep and snoring!

Experience for yourself!  Oils will be shared!     
A Workshop of Discovery and Experience!      
~Touch~Experience~Taste~ a variety of Young Living essential oils and products!    

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Accent on Wellness:Juice Fasting Group w/ Donna Perrone

Blended Food Cleanse & Juice Fasting Group
with Donna Perrone

A Wealth of Helpful Information  
 Fasting can help to wipe the slate clean of addictive food cravings, overeating, and fatigue. Get back on your healthy eating! This juice fasting group will include the option to consume raw blended soups. Some of you have expressed interest in conducting a juice fast, but feel it to be a little too extreme or feel intimidated by taking on such an endeavor. We will cover all the details to conduct a juice fast, as well as a blended nutritional cleanse. This is a great way to experience a cleanse in a modified way.
The next Juice Fasting Group will meet on
Saturday, January 19, 2012 at 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Integral Yoga Institute NYC    
227 West 13 Street
between 7-8 Avenue
New York, NY 10011
Phone: 212 929 0585
Aqua Room

Reservations can be made at  
The cost is $25.00.
Includes a 10%-off coupon for one juice or smoothie at IYNF Juice Bar.

Every attendee will receive a package of handout information
including recipes.
 The benefit to fasting with a group is in how inspired you will feel to begin your fast, and to continue with it for as long as you are comfortable.

We will discuss all aspects to fasting including:
how to conduct a fast successfully,
why fast?,
what to expect when you are fasting,
an understanding of how the body cleanses through fasting,
tips on making a fast as easy and as pleasant as possible,
how to end a fast correctly.

You may attend if you plan to start a fast or will plan to fast in the future.

Donna has taught workshops and retreats at many venues such as Accent on Wellness, The New Life Expo-NY, Urban Zen/Kris Carr, Integral Yoga Institute, Jivamukti Yoga Center, Amy Rachelle, Dharma Yoga Center,
The Raw Spirit Festival, and The Art of Living Center

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Accent on Wellness-Changing What You Eat Changes Who You Are! with Mark Eisenhart

Changing What You Eat
Changes Who You Are! 

with Mark Eisenhart


Monday, January 14, 2013
7 pm - 9:30 pm 

Gravity East Village
515 East 5 Street
Btw. Avenue A & Avenue B
Keypad: 104 'Bell' Symbol Button
Reservations are necessary- Space is limited
Reserve your seat by e-mail
Please include your name & phone #
Fee: $15 in advance by Credit Card or $20 Cash Paid at the door

Pay with Paypal in Advance
Go to Products & Services

or Call 212 388 9788
To pay with a Credit Card in Advance by phone.

Can't Attend the Class?
You can watch a Live- Streaming WEBINAR  
from your computer.
You will receive a link and password to gain access to the class online.
Fee: $20 

Mark A. Eisenhart lost 215lbs (from 455 down to 240) in one year
without surgery and eradicated 20 states of disease including
diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, anxiety, depression,
an eating disorder, a 90% loss of feeling in both feet from diabetic
neuropathy and many other co- morbid disease states and disorders.

is now a Sponsored Athlete, Actor, Model, and Transformational Speaker
who competed on American Ninja Warrior and has appeared on over 45
local and national TV and Radio shows including The CBS Show The
Doctors. He is on the cover of the winter issue of Super Raw Life
Magazine and will be featured in Vegan Health and Fitness Magazine,
Veg News Magazine, and several other print media publications. People
Magazine's Half Their Size special edition has contacted Mark about
his incredible weight loss transformation which was made possible by
lifestyle changes, meditation, a plant based whole foods diet which
eventually gave way to a high raw and vegan gluten free diet,
exercise, and patience.

He has been paying his message forward that

Changing What You Eat Changes Who You Are (the title of a book he will
publish in 2013) to inspire other people to benefit from his
experience. You can watch interviews Mark has done in their entirety
on KGW, KOIN 6 News, NW Cable News in Seattle, and many other networks
at . Thanks!