Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Accent on Wellness- Rid Your Body of Heavy Metal Toxicity!

Workshop on the Topic of: 
'Heavy Metal Toxicity'
Donna Perrone

Monday, November 5, 2012
7:30 pm

Gravity East Village
515 East 5 Street

BTW: Avenue A & Avenue B

Keypad: 104 'Bell' Symbol Button


 Attend in Person-Reservations are Recommended
Fee- $25.00 Cash at the door.
 Please reserve your seat by email-  PerroneD1@verizon.net or call 212 254 9453.
Space is Limited! Please include your full name and Phone #.   

 Accent on Wellness can come to you!   

Watch Live From Your Computer
Webinar option available. You must have a computer with an internet connection.
You will be able to type in your questions and comments. 
Make  your payment through paypal in advance and you will receive a link  & password.    At the time of the class just click on the link and you will watch the  class live!   

Fee: $25.00 Paid in advance by paypal
 Go To: 

 Go to Products/Services Page

That's okay. Call Gravity East Village and Jennifer will process your payment.
212 388 9788

Our Meeting Topic Is On:
 "Heavy Metal Toxicity"

We will discuss:
-What are the toxic metals that we are exposed to everyday.
-Where do they come from?
-Symptoms of exposure and toxicity
-What chronic conditions heavy metal poisoning can cause.
-How to free ourselves of heavy metal toxicity.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Accent on Wellness: Drs. Brian Clement/Thomas Lodi Speak on Cancer

‘Cause & Healing of Cancer’
Presented by: Dr. Brian Clement N.M.D., Ph.D. 

9:30 am - 11 am
  Dr. Clement will describe in a simple understandable manner why cancer is the vilest modern malady. He then will expound on the 57 years that Hippocrates Health Institute has helped tens of thousands of people to reverse this disease even when it is at “terminal levels”. 

There will be a Q & A session with Dr. Clement and Dr. Lodi 
on the same stage between 11 am to noon.

‘Stop Making Cancer!’
Presented by: Thomas Lodi, MD
1 pm - 2:30 pm
Cancer is not “the enemy” but rather the consequence of continued violations of natural laws. Because we live in an artificial environment and interact with machines rather than nature, we have all but forgotten that our bodies are subject to natural laws. Natural laws, unlike human laws, are non-negotiable. Just as surely as the planting of an apple seed will not yield an orange tree; continued violations of the laws which govern our biology, will not yield a healthy outcome. Health is the optimal functioning of an organism. Health is not, as it is commonly defined, the absence of disease. That would be like saying that “light” is the absence of “darkness”.
 Health is the consequence of healthy living!

A comprehensive approach to cancer prevention must include the following: We must learn how to live in harmony with nature,We must enhance the body’s ability to remove wastes and toxins, The immune system must be balanced and enhance

Saturday, November 17, 2012
9:30 am - 2:30 pm

There will be a break for lunch.

META Center
214 West 29th Street, 16th Floor, NYC BTW: 7th & 8th Avenue
 Please remove shoes at the door and no food is permitted. Water is permitted.
http://www.donnaperrone.com  Go to Products /Services Page

Attend in Person-Reservations are Recommended
Fee- $30.00 Paid through Paypal in Advance. Cash at the door. 

Want to attend one class only?
Fee: $20.00 Please indication when paying on Paypal which class you plan to attend.

 OPTION TWO: Watch Live From Your Computer. Webinar option available 
You must have a computer with an internet connection. 
You will be able to type in your questions and comments.
Make your payment through paypal in advance and you will receive a link & password.
At the time of the class just click on the link and you will watch the class live! 
Fee: $30.00 http://www.donnaperrone.com  Go to Products /Services Page

ARE YOU A PAYPAL PHOB? That’s okay. Call Gravity East Village 
and Jennifer will process your payment. 212 388 9788

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Accent on Wellness: Introduction to Essential Oils with Cynthia Shankman

Introduction to Essential Oils! 
with Cynthia Shankman

Young Living Oils
Tuesday, October 23, 2012 
7 pm- 9 pm
Gravity East Village
515 East 5 Street
BTW: Avenue A & Avenue B
Keypad: 104 'Bell' Symbol Button

Fee: $5 cash paid at the door.

Please reserve your seat by email-  PerroneD1@verizon.net or call 212 254 9453.
Space is Limited!
Please include your full name and Phone #.

  You will learn how therapeutic grade essential oils
can enhance your health and well-being! 
   Learn how to:     
*  Restore a calm and balanced mood and enhance mental focus      
*  Stop colds and flus before they make you sick!    
*  Ease pain and depression!    
*  Increase your energy level and stamina!   
  Therapeutic grade essential oils are considered to be the leading edge of natural healing.  They have been used throughout history as medicine, for beauty, and to ease pain, depression, and stress.  Join us for an educational and fun-filled aromatherapy gathering and experience the joy of therapeutic grade essential oils!           


    Essential Oils have been used since the beginning of recorded history for health, beauty and for aroma.

Young Living Logo  
Essential Oils can:  
Help us lose weight ~ Assist with calming and stress reduction ~ Create focus and clarity, clear brain fog ~ Help children with homework ~ Improve skin tone ~ Improve sleep and snoring!

Experience for yourself!  Oils will be shared!     
A Workshop of Discovery and Experience!      
~Touch~Experience~Taste~ a variety of Young Living essential oils and products!

~Re-discover ancient secrets about essential oils used today in leading edge natural healing.

~Learn how to take care of yourself and your family using all natural essential oils, supplements and simple life changes.                 


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Accent on Wellness:‘Holistic Dentistry’ with Dr. Harold Efron

 ‘Holistic Dentistry’ with Dr. Harold Efron 

Monday, October 15, 2012  
 7 - 9 pm
Gravity East Village
515 East 5 Street 
(btw. Avenue A & Avenue B) Keypad: 104 ‘Bell’ Symbol Button

Attend in Person-Reservations are Necessary. 
Your seat is reserved when you receive confirmation
Make your reservation by making payment through Paypal
 Fee: $15 paid in advance by 10/13 
OR $20 cash paid at the door
Go to Products /Services Page

Watch Live From Your Computer
Webinar option available
You must have a computer with an internet connection. 
You will be able to type in your questions and comments.

Make your payment in advance through paypal and you will receive a link & password.
 At the time of the class just click on the link and you will watch the class live!
 Fee: $20
Paid in advance by paypal
All purchases are final.

‘Topics Discussed:

The talk will center around the Materials used in Dentistry-

-Dangerous materials and how to avoid them

-Diet dangers: Cavity causing foods and how to neutralize them

-Why eating candy and chewing gum is good for your teeth

-Root canals can they be done safely? 

-Advances in treating gum disease  

-How technology makes for better holistic treatment

-Dangers of toothpaste and what to avoid  

-How to stop cavities without getting a filling?  

-Testing for gum disease and cavities without x-rays

Harold Efron graduated in 1995 from the Tufts School of Dental Medicine.
He has been practicing Holistic medicine for 14 years in Manhattan.  

Harold Efron DMD
261 Fifth Avenue Suite 1401 New York NY 10016
 (212) 475-7912    Drefron@gmail.com