Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Accent on Wellness: '12 Steps To Raw Foods' -A Weight Loss Support Gathering-

'12 Steps To Raw Foods'

-A Weight Loss Support Gathering- 
With Donna Perrone

Friday, April 13, 2012
7 pm

Gravity East Village
515 East 5 Street
Btw. Avenue A & Avenue B
Keypad: 104 'Bell' Symbol Button
Reservations are necessary- Space is limited
Reserve your seat by e-mail perroned1@verizon.net or call 212 254 9453
Please include your name & phone #
Fee: $15 Cash Paid at the door

This group will not be offered as a webinar or recorded.


 'Weight Loss Support Gathering'

Based on the book  

'12 Steps to Raw Food' by Victoria Boutenko 
 Why do we overeat time and time again? Why do we make poor diet choices while we want to be healthy? What makes losing weight so difficult? These and many other vital questions are addressed in 12 Steps to Raw Foods in an open and sincere dialogue. Based on the latest scientific research, Victoria Boutenko explains the numerous benefits of choosing a diet of fresh rather than cooked foods. This book contains self-tests and questionnaires that help the reader to determine if they have hidden eating patterns that undermine their health. Using examples from life, the author explores the most common reasons for people to make unhealthy eating choices.
Rather than simply praising the benefits of raw foods, this book offers helpful tips and coping techniques to form and maintain new, healthy patterns. Learn how to make a raw food restaurant card that makes dining with co-workers easy and enjoyable. Discover three magic sentences that enable you to refuse your mother-in-law's apple pie without offending her. Find out how to sustain your chosen diet while traveling. These are only a few of the many scenarios that Boutenko outlines. 
Written in a convenient 12-step format, this book guides the reader through the most significant physical, psychological, and spiritual phases of the transition from cooked to raw foods. Embracing the raw food lifestyle is more than simply turning off the stove. Such a radical change in the way we eat affects all aspects of life. Boutenko touches on the human relationship with nature, the value of supporting others, and the importance of living in harmony with people who don't share the same point of view on eating. Already a classic, this enhanced second edition is aimed at anyone interested in improving their health through diet. 

 We will discuss:
Raw Food Emphasized -
Transition, Lifestyle, Emotional Support, Proper Cleansing Measures, Social Issues, Problems and
Pitfalls, Helpful Tips and Solutions, etc.  

We hope to educate, support and inspire you to live a healthy life and support you where you are. This group will help you find a program that best suits your needs without judgment.

Everyone will have an opportunity to speak if they choose to or just watch and observe.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Accent on Wellness:The A B C's to Raw Food Transition

The A B C's
Raw Food Transition
raw dishes 2010 

with Donna Perrone

'The Facts About Living Foods,
How To Transition,
& Stay Inspired'

Tuesday, April 3, 2012
7 pm

Gravity East Village
515 East 5 Street 
Between Avenue A & Avenue B
Keypad: 104 'Bell' Symbol Button

Attend in Person-Reservations are Necessary 
By E-Mail PerroneD1@verizon.net or call 212 254 9453
Please include your full name and phone #.

Cost- $25.00 Paid in Cash at the door 
Handout information is provided. 

Watch Live From Your Computer
Webinar option available
You must have a computer with an internet connection. 
You will be able to type in your questions and comments.

Make your payment through paypal and you will receive a link & password.
At the time of the class just click on the link and you will watch the class live!

You will receive information packet in as an email attachment.
Fee: $35
Paid in advance by paypal
Go to Products /Services Page
Go to
Type in my email address - perroned1@gmail.com 
and pay $35
Here's your opportunity to learn some basic principles of health and to enhance your quality of life. 

This workshop will help you to understand:
-the Principles of Health
-the Benefits of Eating Raw Food
-Meal Plan Options & Recipe Ideas
-the Common Sense of Food Combining
-the Importance of Proper Detoxification
-What Happens when the Diet is not Working
and the Gentle Transition needed to incorporate these key elements into a Healthy Lifestyle!

Donna shares her years of experience in this exciting, informative workshop. She is a certified colon hydro-therapist, offers nutritional counseling/coaching sessions, and has taught health workshops for Accent on Wellness for over 16 years.
Whether you are new, in transition or well established in these valuable concepts, this workshop will inspire and motivate you to take action to balance your life with good health.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Accent on Wellness:Turn Your Kitchen into A “Farmacy” with Sproutman Steve Meyerowitz

Turn Your Kitchen into A "Farmacy"
Discover the Healing Medicines in Micro Greens & Baby Greens
with "Sproutman" Steve Meyerowitz

Friday, March 23, 2012
7:30 pm

Gravity East Village
515 East 5 Street
btw. Avenue A & Avenue B
Keypad: 104 'Bell' Symbol Button

Attend in Person-Reservations are Necessary
Your seat is reserved when you receive confirmation
Make your reservation by making payment through Paypal
Fee: $15  

Go to Products /Services Page
Go to
Type in my email address - perroned1@gmail.com
and pay $15
Watch Live From Your Computer
Webinar option available
You must have a computer with an internet connection.
You will be able to type in your questions and comments.

Make your payment through paypal and you will receive a link & password. At the time of the class just click on the link and you will watch the class live!
Fee: $20
Paid in advance by paypal
Go to Products /Services Page
Go to
Type in my email address - perroned1@gmail.com
and pay $20

What you put into your body every day arguably has more of an impact on your health than anything else you do. We all know that heart disease can be caused by bad diet, but now mainstream studies prove that it can also be treated by diet. The same is true for diabetes, allergies, arthritis, fibromyalgia, obesity, etc. More and more we are learning that good diet has the power to prevent disease before it starts. But some foods have more healing potential than others! Meet "Sproutman" Steve Meyerowitz and discover how a diet rich in micro-greens and baby vegetables contain a juggernaut of phytochemicals so concentrated that they have the power to prevent and reverse disease. (Live samples on display.)

Steve Meyerowitz was christened "Sproutman" in the 1970s in a feature article in Vegetarian Times because his New York City apartment was always filled with gardens of mini-vegetables. They were part of his lifetime fight against chronic allergies and asthma. After 20 years of disappointment with orthodox medicine, he became symptom-free through his use of diet, juices, and fasting. In 1980, he founded "The Sprout House", a "no-cooking" school in New York City teaching the benefits of a living foods diet.  

Steve is a health crusader and author of 10 books including Power Juices Super Drinks, Wheatgrass Nature's Finest Medicine, Juice Fasting and Detoxification, and Food Combining and Digestion. His most recent book is "The Organic Food Guide: How to Shop Smarter and Eat Healthier." He has been featured on PBS, the Home Shopping Network, TV Food Network, and in Better Nutrition, Prevention, Organic Gardening and Flower & Garden Magazines. His sprouting inventions, such as the "Hemp Sprout Bag" are sold nationwide. You can visit him at

  Steve, "Sproutman," is the author of several books on health, diet, and nutrition including Sprouts the Miracle Food, Sproutman's Kitchen Garden Cookbook, and Wheatgrass Nature's Finest Medicine. Steve is one of the world's leading proponents of sprouting, juicing, fasting, wheatgrass, indoor gardening, raw foods, and pure water. You can visit him at www.Sproutman.com

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Accent on Weelness:Intestinal Health: A Window View To A Healthy Life

Intestinal Health:
A Window View To A Healthy Life  
with Donna Perrone

mike pic
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
7 pm

Gravity East Village
515 East 5 Street
btw. Avenue A & Avenue B
Keypad: 104 'Bell' Symbol Button

Reservations are necessary
Your seat is reserved when you receive confirmation
Make your reservation by email PerroneD1@verizon.net or call 212 254 9453
Please include your full name and phone #.
Fee: $25 Cash paid at the door
An Information Packet is included with this lecture.
Watch Live From Your Computer
Webinar option available
You must have a computer with an internet connection.
You will be able to type in your questions and comments.

Make your payment through paypal and you will receive a link & password. At the time of the class just click on the link and you will watch the class live!

Webinar price includes Lecture & Workshop Handout Package sent by email
Fee: $35
Paid in advance by paypal
Go to Products /Services Page
Go to
Type in my email address - perroned1@gmail.com
and pay $35

Our Topic of Discussion will Include:

-The Relationship Between Achieving Ultimate Health through
Proper Digestion & Elimination.

-How Colon Cleansing can be the Missing Link to Healing the Body from Disease.

-Proper Food Combinations and Consumption.

-Helpful Supplements to Support Good Digestion, and Elimination

-Suggestions to Improve Intestinal Health:
Indigestion, Gas/Bloating, Constipation, Acid Relux/GERD,
 IBS, Colitis etc.

-Common Food Allergies and Testing

-Could Parasites and/or Candida Overgrowth be a Problem?

-What Results to Expect if Colon Cleansing is Not Part of Your Transition to a Raw Foods Lifestyle or when Undertaking a Fast.

-Get Inspired to Transform your Life with Cleansing and Detoxification!

Donna Perrone shares her years of experience and studies on digestive health. She is not a doctor and cannot diagnose or prescribe any cures. She shares what she has read about and has heard to be helpful in creating good health. Please contact your health practitioner or medical doctor with your concerns or when making any changes.

water rock
Donna Perrone began her health group 'Accent on Wellness' in NYC in 1995 which is a healthy lifestyle transition group. She is a volunteer, group facilitator and organizer that hosts health inspiring guest speakers, teaches healthy lifestyle workshops, leads a support/discussion group and organizes community gatherings.  www.DonnaPerrone.com

Donna is a Certified Colon Hydro-Therapist with her own wellness center located in NYC called 'Gravity East Village'.  Her office features a staff of Gravity Method Therapists, State of the Art Filtration, Infra-Red Sauna, and other therapies such as Massage and Energy Healing.  www.gravityeastvillage.com

Donna has taught workshops and retreats at many venues such as Accent on Wellness, The New Life Expo-NY, Jivamukti Yoga Center, Integral Yoga Center, East West Living, Urban Zen-Crazy Sexy Wellness, Sivananda Yoga Ranch, Dharma Yoga Center, The Raw Spirit Festival, and The Art of Living Center.