Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Accent on Wellness-Juice Fasting/Blended Cleanse Group

Blended Food Cleanse & Juice Fasting Group
with Donna Perrone

Fasting can help to wipe the slate clean of addictive food cravings, overeating, and fatigue. Get back on your healthy eating! This juice fasting group will include the option to consume raw blended soups. Some of you have expressed interest in conducting a juice fast, but feel it to be a little too extreme or feel intimidated by taking on such an endeavor. So, we will cover all the details to conduct a juice fast, as well as incorporating a blended food cleanse if you chose to. You may do a partial juice and partial blended food cleanse, or may choose to start off with blended food and switch to juice later in the fast or visa versa. We will discuss what options may be best for you.This is a great way to experience a cleanse in a modified way.

The next juice fasting group will meet on
Tuesday, April 13, 2010 at 7:30pm
(Please arrive on time)

Gravity East Village
515 East 5th Street
between Avenue A & Avenue B.
Keypad- 104 'Bell' Symbol Button
The cost is $25.00.
Every attendee will receive a package of handout information
including recipes.

The benefit to fasting with a group is in how inspired you will feel to begin your fast, and to continue with it for as long as you are comfortable. I will be available to you at no additional charge during your fast if you have any questions regarding your fast.

We will discuss all aspects to fasting including:
how to conduct a fast successfully,
why fast?,
what to expect when you are fasting,
an understanding of how the body cleanses through fasting,
tips on making a fast as easy and as pleasant as possible,
how to end a fast correctly.

Also, handout information and blended food recipes will be provided to you..

Please RSVP if you plan to attend.
You may attend if you plan to start a fast or will plan to fast in the future.
Please email me perroned1@verizon.net to RSVP or call me at 212 254 9453.
Please include your name and phone #.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Accent on Wellness:Creating Healthy Children with Karen Ranzi

Creating Healthy Children with Karen Ranzi

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
7 pm - 9 pm

Bonobo's Resturant

18 East 23 Street
@ Madison Avenue
No Reservations Accepted
Please arrive early to reserve your seat and enjoy a delicious raw food meal!
Fee: $15 Cash


Lecture and Book Signing!

Author, lecturer and raw food consultant, Karen Ranzi, has recently authored her much anticipated new book, Creating Healthy Children: Through Attachment Parenting and Raw Foods. She has been interviewed on TV and radio on the topics of vegetarian and raw food parenting. Karen has presented her class "Creating Healthy Children" at numerous seminars, festivals and health institutes throughout the United States. In addition to her work in raw vegan nutrition, Karen holds a Masters degree in speech pathology from New York University, and is a speech therapist working with children of all ages for over 30 years, specializing with autistic children for the past 8 years. By means of her education, life-changing personal experiences, and sincere desire to share her message, Karen has been able to guide thousands toward developing excellent health.

In today's fast-paced world, our children's health and nutrition are being compromised by the constant rush to find the quick solution, resulting in our new generation's weight problems as well as more frequent cases of disease due to weakened immune systems.

Karen Ranzi, author, lecturer and raw food consultant, will speak on "Creating Healthy Children," presenting many values nature has given us to restore our children's health through solid nutritional principles. In this informative and transformational evening, Karen will guide you on the path to creating happier and healthier children, confident of their disease-free future. She will share the importance of understanding children's biological and emotional needs. Rather than medicate a child's asthma, ear infections, chronic allergies, learning, attention and hyperactivity disorders, and other illnesses, Karen's approach simply eliminates the causes of disease through the healthful raw food lifestyle. Parents attending her classes have been able to see their children recover from numerous childhood illnesses. You will learn the importance of obtaining the best possible nourishment for your family, and how to implement healthy choices successfully during pregnancy and raising children. Karen reveals terrific tips for children of all ages in how to improve their diet and lifestyle. Parents, future parents, teachers, social workers, psychologists, and anyone else who works with or has children is encouraged to attend the class.

See her website: http://www.SuperHealthyChildren.com

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Accent on Wellness Presents: Brenda Cobb-Living Foods Institute 3/23

Brenda Cobb
The Living Foods Institute

'Reverse Aging & Heal
with Raw & Living Foods'

Tuesday, March 23, 2009

7 pm - 9 pm

Bonobo's Resturant
18 East 23 Street
@ Madison Avenue
No Reservations Accepted
Please arrive early to reserve your seat and enjoy a delicious raw food meal!
Fee: $10 Cash


(Please read all contracts from the Living Foods Institute carefully before signing.
All contracts are final.)

Hear Author Brenda Cobb's Inspiring Personal Story of Healing Cancer without surgery, chemotherapy or radiation and the relationship of high vibration energy and healing.

Learn how raw & living foods raise your vibration & health

Learn how to detoxify chemicals, fungus, yeast & parasites

Learn how to reverse aging and increase energy & stamina

Learn how to heal even the most serious diseases naturally by raising your vibrational energy with organic raw and living foods

Much Love and Many Blessings,
Brenda Cobb
Living Foods Institute
Toll Free 800-844-9876

Brenda Cobb

Brenda Cobb founded the Living Foods Institute in Atlanta, Georgia in September 1999 just seven months after she was diagnosed with breast and cervical cancer. She refused the surgery and chemotherapy that her doctor recommended because she had seen her own family members and friends diagnosed with the same type of cancers try the traditional treatments and fail. Brenda set out on a journey to explore a natural way of healing and discovered Raw and Living Foods and Detoxification. Brenda began her healing journey in February 1999 and by September 1999 she was disease free. One of her medical doctors wrote the foreword to her first book praising her for the healing protocol that she developed to help herself and others. Many doctors send their patients to Brenda's Institute in Atlanta when other treatments have failed.

What began as the biggest challenge in Brenda's life turned into a wonderful gift to humanity. Since opening the Living Foods Institute Brenda has expanded her Healthy Lifestyle Course to help people heal on every level. She and her staff have trained thousands of people from all over the world with every type of disease from Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Candida, Arthritis, Allergies, Asthma, AIDS and Lupus to Multiple Sclerosis, Bell's Palsy, Depression, Migraine Headaches, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and many more chronic and acute illnesses . She has spoken to many thousands of people around the world about the benefits of the good nutrition and detoxification. In testimony after testimony people have found relief from symptoms and complete healing from serious diseases by following Brenda's Healthy Protocol.

To date she has written 9 books "The Living Foods Lifestyle®", "Colon Cleansing For Optimum Health" and "101 Raw and Living Food Recipes", "Get Started Now For Good Health" "The Living Foods Lifestyle® Training Manual", "Healing Fibroids, Endometriosis, Tumors and Cysts", "A Plan For Health", "Good Health Now" "Organic Raw and Living Food Recipes" and she has a CD on the benefits of Raw and Living Foods and a Healthy Lifestyle. She has hosted her own radio show, Living Well on WGUN 1010AM in Atlanta, Georgia where she has helped listeners learn about the benefits of good Lifestyle Habits. Along with the incredible Raw and Living Food recipes that Brenda is known for, the Emotional Healing Workshops that are included as a part of her training programs are so powerful that people say, "This course surpassed my wildest expectations for healing body, mind, spirit, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. It's the best thing I've ever done for myself."

She is featured on the DVD "Healing Cancer From Inside Out" and the "Rave Diet" and is co-author of the newest book "The Raw Truth." She has appeared live on CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX networks as well as many cable stations giving advice on healthy eating and living. She has been a speaker at national and international conferences, festivals and expos and sought after for many radio and television appearances. As the Key Note Speaker at numerous health and body, mind, spirit expos and the International European Vegetarian Congress she has inspired hundreds of thousands of people to take back their power and claim the perfect health they were created to have.

She was awarded an Honorary Cultural Doctorate in Therapeutic Philosophy from the World University in September 2003. She was awarded the Phoenix Award by the City of Atlanta and numerous awards from other organizations for her work. Even though Brenda never makes promises about what her program will do for an individual, many say they have been healed through this amazing and inspiring woman's work.

Brenda's mission to help "Heal the World One Person at a Time" is being fulfilled every day as the internationally acclaimed Living Foods Institute is now known around the world. For more information or to book Brenda to come to your area call 800-844-9876 or in Georgia call 404-524-4488 and visit the website at www.livingfoodsinstitute.com Email Brenda at info@livingfoodsinstitute.com

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Accent on Wellness-Ultimate Gallbladder & Liver Flush

'Ultimate Gallbladder & Liver Flush'
with Donna Perrone

Friday, March 19, 2010
7:30-9:30 pm

Gravity East Village

515 East 5th Street #1A
(keypad- 104 & bell symbol button)
Between Avenue A & Avenue B

Cost: $25.00 Includes Handout Information Package
Seating is limited: Please R.S.V.P by e-mail PerroneD1@verizon.net or call 212 254 9453
Please include your Name & phone #.

Check out my website: http://www.DonnaPerrone.com

Just about everyone has gallstones. They are formed in the liver and are found also in the gallbladder and the connecting ducts. When doing a gallbladder/liver flush you can pass hundreds of green and beige colored gallstones. Gallstones are primarily made of cholesterol as the main ingredient (95%), bile, and calcium salts. They are congealed clumps of bile that are invisible to any x-ray or ultra sound technology. An ultra-sound will detect a fatty liver when the cholesterol based stones are blocking the liver and ducts and will show a completely white picture instead of black. A fatty liver can accumulate 20,000 stones before it succumbs to suffocation and ceases to function.

Gallstones are a contributing factor to most diseases. Any obstruction in the body will cause stress and toxicity and will be a major reason why people become ill and have difficulty recovering from disease.

By doing a gallbladder flush you will take steps to restore your liver. You will improve your health, vitality, energy, and youthfulness. A cleaner liver brings a new lease on life. By decongesting the liver and gallbladder the body's 60-100 trillion cells will breathe more oxygen, receive sufficient amounts of nutrients, eliminate metabolic waste products, and maintain perfect communication links with nervous system, endocrine system,
and every part of the body.

There are two methods of doing a gallbladder flush that we will discuss. You will decide which method best suits you. There is a 4 Day or 6 Day 'Preparation' to choose from. We will cover step by step instructions and you will receive a handout information package. I will be available to take your phone call if you have any questions during your process at no additional charge.

Donna Perrone