Raw Food Discussion Group
With Donna Perrone
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Starting 6:30 pm for 'New to Raw' People
Starting 7:30 pm for 'Veteran Raw Foodies'
Everyone continues together till at least 9:30 pm
Gravity East Village
515 East 5 Street
Btw. Avenue A & Avenue B
Keypad: 104 'Bell' Symbol Button
Reservations are necessary- Space is limited
Reserve your seat by e-mail PerroneD1@verizon.net or call 212 254 9453
Please include your name & phone #
Fee: $12 Cash
This is your opportunity to share any questions you have and receive feedback and support from the group.
Our Meeting Topic Is On:
"Staying Healthy-
Swine Flu Fearless"
We will discuss:
The Essentials to Secure a Healthy Immune System
Bechamp/Pasteur Theories
Calming your Fears
Are Vaccines the Answer?
Essential Oils, Supplements, Therapies
We will discuss:
Raw Food Emphasized -
Transition, Lifestyle, Emotional Support, Proper Cleansing Measures, Social Issues, Problems and Pitfalls, Helpful Tips and Solutions, etc.
We hope to educate, support and inspire you to live a healthy life and support you where you are. This group will help you find a program that best suits your needs without judgement.
Everyone will have an opportunity to speak if they choose to or just watch and observe.

"Raw Miracles"
Happy Oasis
Founder of the Raw Spirit Festival
Friday, June 26, 2009
7 pm- 9 pm
Bonobo's Restaurant
18 East 23 Street
@ Madison Avenue
Fee: $10
Arrive early and enjoy a delicious raw food meal!
No reservations accepted. Please arrive early to secure your seat.
Raise the Raw Spirit quotient in your life with a Fantastic Friday event!
Join Happy Oasis in a lively and magical talk about the miraculous events that can occur on every level of your life by adopting a raw foods lifestyle. Happy will talk about her journey, her transformation and answer questions. Let's celebrate the rejuvenative wonders of the raw life!
Happy Heavenly Oasis is the founder and CVO (Chief Visionary
Officer) of Raw Spirit Festival Inc, a 501c3 non-profit educational
corporation, dedicated to spreading the bliss about living in healthy
harmony. Ms. Oasis has spent years in volunteer service with
such organizations as Habitat for Humanity and Mother Theresa's,
though mostly volunteering at temples, ashrams, monasteries, food
banks, refugee camps, farms, orphanages and others' homes. Raw
vegan health consultant at spas and insight meditation guide at
temples in both the Orient and Occident, Happy has also taught
intuitive wild edible plants classes called "Lets Get Wild!" in more
than a dozen ecosystems around the planet.
Arianna Rose is the Volunteers Manager for the 2009 Raw Spirit Festivals. A certified Raw Foods Chef/Instructor, she runs the Rockaway Raw Café in Long Island and the Rockaway Raw meetup group. Arianna is a professional musician and songwriter who believes "if we can sing in harmony, we can live in harmony".
"Raw Miracles"
Happy Oasis
Founder of the "Raw Spirit Festival"
Monday, June 26, 2009
7 pm- 9 pm
Bonobo's Restaurant
18 East 23 Street
@ Madison Avenue
Fee: $10
Arrive early and enjoy a delicious raw food meal!
No reservations accepted. Please arrive early to secure your seat.
'Ultimate Gallbladder & Liver Flush' with Donna Perrone
Tuesday, June 16, 20097:30-9:30 pmGravity East Village515 East 5th Street #1A(keypad- 104 & bell symbol button)Between Avenue A & Avenue BCost: $25.00 Includes Handout Information PackageSeating is limited: Please R.S.V.P by e-mail PerroneD1@verizon.net or call 212 254 9453Please include your Name & phone #.Check out my website: http://www.DonnaPerrone.comJust about everyone has gallstones. They are formed in the liver and are found also in the gallbladder and the connecting ducts. When doing a gallbladder/liver flush you can pass hundreds of green and beige colored gallstones. Gallstones are primarily made of cholesterol as the main ingredient (95%), bile, and calcium salts. They are congealed clumps of bile that are invisible to any x-ray or ultra sound technology. An ultra-sound will detect a fatty liver when the cholesterol based stones are blocking the liver and ducts and will show a completely white picture instead of black. A fatty liver can accumulate 20,000 stones before it succumbs to suffocation and ceases to function. Gallstones are a contributing factor to most diseases. Any obstruction in the body will cause stress and toxicity and will be a major reason why people become ill and have difficulty recovering from disease. By doing a gallbladder flush you will take steps to restore your liver. You will improve your health, vitality, energy, and youthfulness. A cleaner liver brings a new lease on life. By decongesting the liver and gallbladder the body's 60-100 trillion cells will breathe more oxygen, receive sufficient amounts of nutrients, eliminate metabolic waste products, and maintain perfect communication links with nervous system, endocrine system, and every part of the body. There are two methods of doing a gallbladder flush that we will discuss. You will decide which method best suits you. There is a 4 Day or 6 Day 'Preparation' to choose from. We will cover step by step instructions and you will receive a handout information package. I will be available to take your phone call if you have any questions during your process at no additional charge. Best,Donna Perrone